I take back everything I said. Barty Crouch Jr? Who's that?
David Tennant is Doctor Who. Totally. :) I was extremely nervous as the end of season 1 loomed. I had become so invested in Christopher Eccleston as the doctor and possibly even more invested in the beautiful relationship between the doctor and Rose that I had imagined that there
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I was so devastated the Sunday morning that I finished watching 1x13, POTW...I know I keep telling people this, but it had been a long time since I'd watched a "finale" that made me cry literally for hours. I went out finally to see a film that afternoon - a British gangster film - and that CHEERED ME UP! That's how sad I was. I still get upset and sad when I hear Snow Patrol's "Run." If you haven't watched Doctor Who Cofidential for 13, RUN, go watch it now.
And btw, keep those Doctor Who Confidentials, because those versions will NOT be on the official DVDs = they edited a lot of material out, particularly (from what I've heard) the interviews with previous actors, which is really a shame because that all helps you understand the universe and weight of history behind this show, which has DECADES behind it.
I've been a fan of Doctor Who since I was a child, and my oldest friend and I can swap our separate memories of being youthful DW fans - I remember watching every day at 6 pm on the public broadcasting network that showed reruns of it for years and years, while my mother and I made dinner together. The theme music would make me all tingly and excited, and I would get a thirty minute installment of supsense and humor and danger and fun. It was just one of those rituals I had as a teenager, to watch this show.
When Russell T. Davies revived the series (against enormous obstacles), I was thrilled but wary - how could anything live up to the Doctor Who heritage? BUT HE DID IT, and he did it more and better, in many ways. He gave us a wonderful Doctor and companion for our modern sensibilities, and if he says that he was inspired by "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" in how the show is written and told, I say BRING IT ON! I'm always all about the characters on any program, and these characters have taken my heart. I think David Tennant is wonderful, and different and The Christmas Invasion proved that the magic is still there - the LOVE is still there, and there are new adventures just around the corner for us to look forward to visible in every humorous and dangerous glint of the Doctor's eye.
*hugs you* Your reaction makes me very, very happy. :D And you are very welcome. :D:D:D:D:D
I'm making my way through the 'confidentials' right now. Thank you so much, they're terrific. To be honest, I only watched the Dr Whos that were on when I was a little kid - so I watched most of the Pertwee episodes and the Tom Baker episodes. By the way, Jon Pertwee's son Sean Pertwee is hot and a former crush, problem is he seems to die in almost all of his movies. My brother and I watched them and scared ourselves to death :)
The funny thing is with the new series, it seemed a lot more glossy and contemporary and I thought it was funny, witty and well-written but it wasn't until "The Empty Child" that I started revisiting my Childhood Trauma. You would have howled with laughter at the tentative way I tip toed around turning all the lights on last night and then hurtling into my room. I swear, that was one of the scariest things I've seen in a long time.
In POTW, because I knew what was going to happen, I felt so apprehensive and kept expecting Barty Crouch to pop out - the way he did from Mad Eye Moody in GoF (grin) but instead - it was definitely the doctor who materialised and such a doctor .....
My doctor. :D
I suppose I shouldn't traumatize you, then, right? Right?
You are talking to someone who had nightmares after "The Sixth Sense" and "The Others". I am the world's biggest wimp. I simplly cannot watch scary movies unless my bro or a good friend is nearby. I used to scream loudly every time 'Bob' showed up in Twin Peaks.
As I mentioned, the only reason I thought I was ok with watching Dr Who on my own was that the first episodes seemed all right. I watched "The Unquiet Dead" and thought: "Oooh, I must be getting tougher".
I was wrong.
That icon ..... I don't even want to know why you have it!?!? :D Then again ... I have this icon which sounds totally rude and suggestive if you haven't watched the series ;)
And I keep that "The Empty Child" icon in my photobucket account for just such trauma-inflicting purposes. :D Yeah, I'm REALLY evil. *cackles* (hmmm, why don't I have an Evil!Winterspel icon?!)
I meant to share these other icons with you that you might like:
And I loved Tom Baker, too - he and Peter Davison were my favorites, but I saw Tom first (I'll never forget - him and Sarah Jane and the skeeeeery giant spider creatures on that white space ship. AGGGGHHHH!) Jon Pertwee was also fun, and of course we got his swirling cape action and lots of the Brigadiere, whom I also loved.
Obviously :D
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