There's a moment when Angela's looking at an image which a murdered man has emailed to his girlfriend. SPOILERS
Angela: Hey wait a second - this is weird. this image file is way bigger than it should be, which either means that there is some sort of compression error or -
Hodgins: Or a steganographer hid something within the file
Then in goes even more lame.
Angela: Look at all that code!
She then kind of floats a layer of code across the screen as if the code was somehow watermarked into the image or something.
Later on she discovers that he's got secret code in his hand, telling of the location of the supersekrit object.
The supersekrit object turns out to be a USB stick. What I don't understand is that if you wanted to smuggle a supersekrit object into the US, why would you use a huge suitcase like this? Wouldn't you disguise it as something innocuous or hide it somewhere secret (like your pocket) rather than calling so much attention to the importance of the supersekrit object?