I love movies, but I don't spend a lot of money on actually buying them. Our blockbuster account gets us in the store about a zillion times a month, and where we used to buy one or two movies a month - we now pay the same amount to rent 500 times that. Occasionally I do make exceptions. Recently I bought all three Spiderman movies for some reason. More recently, I bought the Office (UK) and Extras. The Office is a more perfect show, in my opinion, but I'll be fucked if Extras doesn't make me lol like it's about to be banned and I'll never have another chance to lol again.
And I don't really think it's fair to compare the UK and US versions of The Office. I think they're two completely different shows, and even though in the beginning of the US version, they used a lot of the bits from the original, it's gone in such a different direction and had more time to become more of an ensemble comedy, developing the other characters more and focusing less on the "Tim/Dawn Jim/Pam" "Boss is an incompetent retard - I'm not sure how he wrangled this job" things. I won't list all the ways in which the versions are separate but equal but I will say that I don't think I could pick a favorite. I love how the UK version made me feel when it was all over - but I love getting to know more about Dwight and Angela and Andy and Michael and Kelly and blah blah blah. There isn't enough time in the original to care too much about ... well Keith is the only one whose name I know. And Gareth - but I feel like I know more about him than I ever wanted to. And I'll be honest - Tim > Jim. Not just because I have a giant crush on Martin Freeman for no good reason, but because Jim is too smug. Sorry!
Anyway - I didn't mean to turn this post into a sleepy review of my favorite shows - but it looks like I've done it anyway.
My birthday is coming up (April 8) so I guess it's time for a dream wish-list.
I'll just start right out with this one. Tim Canterbury. He dreams big but he's afraid to step outside of his world and start over. He would encourage me to never give up on my own dreams and he would be in love with me for years, even though it seemed like a bad idea. We'd share a load of laughs and a million inside jokes and I would never be able to tell when he was kidding.
For those of you not keeping up - I've just described Zach.
This is Donald Trump's baby. No, I don't want to have Donald Trump's baby - BUT I do want to have a cute-as-shit little mop-topped nearly-ginger hobbit/elf son in sophisticated clothing. And oh man - his little overbite makes me want to clone him immediately and get started raising him STAT. Why??? What is wrong with me???
A baby fox. I don't need to be able to keep it (wouldn't want it sneaking all of my eggs and disemboweling my cats or anything) I just want someone to arrange a meeting between me and a baby fox. I don't care what we do on our date - we can just lay in sleeping bags on the floor and watch Spiderman 2 (my favorite) and eat popcorn and drink kool-aid and try to out-toot each other.
I wish for steady work for all of the lesser-Baldwins. I know that seems pretty selfless of me, but it's really not. I would just sleep better at night if I knew that Alec's brothers weren't hurting for cash. :/
I'd like it if Bryce Dallas Howard could be pregnant all of the time. Carleen and Zach have each tried to convince me that she's a good actress - but they are obviously both drunk and a little dumb. She's just plain bad and I won't hear another word of it. BUT as a preggo chubbers she is strangely adorable to me, and I can almost forget that she showed her snatch to the world in Manderlay (in a scene that definitely could have existed without it.)
I don't care how you do it - or what you have to do in order to arrange it - but get me to Hogwarts. I can take it from there, it's just I'll need some help finding the place.
Ok that's all for now. Have a nice morning, I'll be sleeping.