I just don't know what to do with myself...

Jun 22, 2005 22:53

and now that you're gone, i just don't know what to do with myself.

okay, so i got some more of my marks today...
mathematics - 13 points, written 13, oral 13-14, tendency increasing. very nice
german - 3 points, written 4, oral 2, tendency decreasing. didn't expect more from HER.
english - another 3 points, facharbeit 5, oral 1. and i bet my oral mark would be higher if i didn't ask to rise my facharbeits-mark.
werte+normen - don't really it yet, written 12, so i guess it will be about 8 or so...
politics - don't know either, should be 5 i hope.
history - written 6, turned out to be 6 in overall mark, too.
physics - written 11 and 9, should be somewhat 7 points i think.
informatics - written 15, don't really know, should be something 13+
sport - ha, nothing. still wasn't at the doctor's. hmm..
music - 'nother bad course, 4points.

i think that's it... not trés content with myself but i couldn't help it this year.
so here are my options:
(A) Continue school, get into 13th, get out from home and trying to finish it off as good as i can, trying not to score bad scores in my LKs. 1 more year of school.
(B) Begging at the principal's to be able to retry 12th. 2 more year of school. Don't really like this idea. Might be the best solution regarding my final grades in Abitur if i'm able to improve, but it's... well, a whole bunch of work. And i don't really like school. It's too unproductive. You learn SOME things you MIGHT need in later life. Mathematics, fine, informatics, fine. But... does a pupil, who'll really do some technical things in future... really need to know ANYTHING about analysing literature? Does ANYONE need to know about analysing literature? Can't you just read it?! Oh come on!!
(C) Quit it. No more school. Searching for some practica... apprenticeship... whatever.

Don't really know what to do. I somehow prefer to do A, just to be sure i have something to do for another year and then... don't know. hm.

Didn't do anything today but:
-8h of school
-watching at michis nachpruefung
-talking with michi walking around
-going to my mum, talking to her a bit
-being driven to school again
-watching theatre
-going home, arriving at 22:20
-writing lj, checking some stuff, trying to do stuff i would have done when i come home in the afternoon normally

now it's 23:45 and i got absolutely NOTHING for my testatarbeit tomorrow. oh geeze...
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