(no subject)

May 25, 2007 02:34

I have to say it is impressive what people do in times of crisis and crunches.

This dude, Stan Meyer made a way to make hydrogen on the fly and run a car on it:


Here is a documentary on zero point energy (I have the whole thing if anybody wants it) featuring the Briggs Cavitation heater (from Powder Springs as a matter of fact) and the Meyers electrolysis device:


In both the documentary and in some of the texts about Mr. Meyers it mentions that he was approached by the government as well as offered a billion dollars in cash to sit on the idea. He was murdered. (do a google search for 'stan meyers murder')

Another cool technology step towards hydrogen powered cars (not fuel cell) is the Joe Cell. Here is some info on building a Joe Cell at home (people have just about gotten their cars to run exclusively on this, and adapting these hydrogen kits to existing cars is apparently not hard - I'm thinking of trying it on one of my lawn mowers)


This part concerns me, mostly because it shows that it works and somebody doesn't want it to:

In the first part of April, 2006, Bill Williams told a discussion list that he successfully tested a device known as the Joe Cell. It allegedly feeds off Orgone energy and uses electrically charged water as the "gate" or medium through which the aetheral energy is drawn from the surroundings and transferred to the automobile engine. He was in process of disclosing how he accomplished this when confronted on April 11 by two unidentified individuals who told him to cease all of his alternative energy work or there would be dire consequences. Williams complied, but others involved are doing all they can to make sure the information is republished and replicated widely.

Moving along, a dude in Florida has probably the most revolutionary idea of them all.

quick digression. I think that fuel cells are a dumb pursuit, and its just another way for companies to milk people for their money by making them reliant on getting their energy from them. I do understand the profound and detrimental effects that a free source of renewable and non-polluting energy would have on the global economy, and I think it may have been easier to suppress technology like this from coming to the forefront if people weren't feeling like the just did a nickel at a federal pound me in the ass penn every time they go to the gas pump. end digression.

This dude made an easier way to weld and cut metal, using water! (I've been watching this for a while, it's just recently that I wanted to revisit the ideas).


The most interesting part about it is that he has figured out a way to produce HHO gas from a generator in the car and augment his fuel with it, netting over 50% increase in fuel economy and a 20%+ increase in available power. He has gotten the car to run exclusively on the hydrogen produced by his device. They hope to have the retrofit kit ready to market by 2008. I'd also like to point out that this dude was much smarter about his technology by marketing it first as something that didn't blink on the radar, make a business out of it, then progress further into a corporation after securing the patents - much harder to kill 10 employees and all of the devices that are in circulation than one dude by poisoning him. This idea may actually stick and make it. Look around for Aquygen on the internet:


Here is something else I hadn't heard of, the Bourke Engine. If you know anything about 4 stroke engines, they are remarkably complicated and inefficient for what they aim to achieve, this thing if it had some serious financial backing could change that immediately:


Check out the animation on how it works:


Then there is the bicycle wheel that is powered, gets 200 mpg, goes 20 mph - http://www.revopower.com/the_wheel-specifications.html

Or.... GEET:

http://www.teslatech.info/ttstore/articles/geet/geet.htm (instructions on converting a lawnmower to this technology. If Shadow still has my old john deere, this may become a project)
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