< Interrogation >

Jul 12, 2009 00:45

"What time is it?"

"Quarter after."

"And the hour?"


"You must be tired, Detective. We've been at this... how long?"

"Three hours, Miss Lewis. I can do this all night."

"Well, yes, I suppose you could."

The young woman, twenty-seven-year-old Nadine Lewis, smiled faintly. She was a little ruffled, her blond hair not completely smoothed, even with all the time she'd spent trying to make it behave since her arrest. One blue eye was surrounded by a yellowing bruise, and bruises were beginning to form around her wrists. Her black eye was too old to be blamed on the arresting officers, and only her struggling against the handcuffs had caused the harm to her wrists.

The detective questioning her was older, thirty-three or so. He wasn't a particularly tall man nor broadly built. Still, he obviously worked out, and his hair was a dusty shade of blond. Nadine supposed it was intelligent of MCU to send him to interrogate her. Of all the cops in the unit, he bore the most resemblence to a younger Harvey Dent. It was a very cheap psychological ploy, but she gave them credit for trying.

"We all want to go home, Miss Lewis. If you just tell us what you know, we can."

"I'm sorry, Detective-- What was your name again?"


"Detective Malone," she corrected herself, "but I have told you everything I know. Several times."

"Where are Harvey Dent and Jonathan Crane?" Malone asked for the hundreth time.

Nadine just shook her head. "I don't know."

"Yes, you do! Quit lying to me and just tell me!" He slammed his hand on the table, and she gave a start but simply looked up at him.

"Check my phone records, though I imagine that's the first thing Gordon did. I haven't received a call in months."

"Dent's clothes were in your apartment!"

"He left them there last time he came. I haven't seen him. I don't know where he goes. He just stops by sometimes, never for very long."

"Long enough to fuck you."

"Very crude, Detective, but yes, we are intimate when he comes to see me." She smiled, baiting him, "But I'm sure you know that sex hardly has to take very long. Perhaps you've heard that complaint before?"

He raised a hand as if to slap her, and she just smiled. 'Go ahead,' her expression seemed to say, 'and I'll walk out of any courtroom.' Malone checked himself, lowered his hand, and stormed out of the room. The door slammed shut behind him.

Nadine Lewis turned toward the two-way mirror, once again attempting to fix her hair. On the other side, Commissioner James Gordon sighed. Malone came in, and he received a cold look.

"Commissioner, I--"

"You're done."

"But sir!"

"You're done, Malone. Stephens should still be at his desk. Tell him I need him."

"Stephens, sir?"

"She likes him as much as she likes any of us."

"Sir, she's not going to tell us--"

"Crane's working on a new toxin, Malone," Gordon snapped. "And it's one-thirty on February second. Do you want to be the one who didn't do everything you could to stop whatever Dent's planning? Or who didn't look hard enough and let Jonathan Crane poison the city?"

"N--no sir."

"Then get Stephens." Gordon frowned as Malone left. This was going to be a long thirty minutes. But they had to try.

(This is set late in the the "Early" portion of Nadine's Shatter!Verse.)

[verse] shatter, [timeline] early shatter, [fic], [character] james gordon

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