A creativity...of a different kind!

Jun 12, 2007 23:47

It's been a little while since I've updated this thing , only because my new job at WalMart has me working almost every day*sigh* on the bright side I've requested to work the morning shift more often to have time for myself. And even better , with all the hours I've been working it's MORE MONEY :P! And now onto the task at hand , showing off artwork!

Now I strongly believe that art isn't just limited to drawings , paintings , digital or traditional art , sculpture or any of those "usual" ways of making art. In this digital age people(like myself) have embraced computers and new technology to express themselves artistically. Now that it's easier to obtain a webspace or a blogging account people are learning HTML and CSS coding to make their little corner of the internet a little brighter and I'm no different(you'd know this if you read this little entry at the top of the page!). So without further ado...

Now this took me 2 days to complete! If you couldn't tell , this is one of those CSS blog/journal layouts for deviantart. One thing about it irks me though , I've been wanting to shift the position of the title and I have NO idea how to do this...I guess I'll leave it for the time being. Maybe I'll check the coding for errors and submit it as a deviation for others to use(and take out the header with my artwork). Here's what the layout would look like on deviantart. And since I'm on the subject of css coding , I found this neat little site where you can make a poster of your codes...I swear there must be a computer nerd somewhere , practically going through orgasmic convulsions over this...here's my poster!

Somehow looking at this thing makes the coding seem even more difficult :O!

So yes , we can combine technology and good old art to make even more artsy stuff! But it's still nice to sit down and do the stuff you're used to. As stated in an entry a little while ago , I'd really love to do something by way of selling my humble anime art. Like anyone who is trying to develop in any way , I also know that there are things I need to improve on if I'm to stand a chance at sell these pictures. As such , I've taken it upon myself to spend any free time I've given just drawing and trying out new things and last night , I had such an opportunity...

I really don't know how this happened! I had my special "Practise your anatomy , posing and technical stuff here!" sketchbook , with the intention of drawing a forward facing head but then I said..."Let me draw a neck so it's not some floating head!" so I drew a neck and kept going , but then I said..."Let's draw some shoulders to see how the character's upper body is posed!!"...so a skeleton is fashioned out of lines and circles. But it wasn't enough , never enough for ol' perfectionist Leah , oh NO! She had to draw a neck shoulders and part of the torso and arms and funny , frilly dress-armwarmer combo and oh my God! It took me 4 hours to finish this...drawing JUST a head should not turn out like this and take so long...AHHHHH! Anyways...are my bodies getting ummm "better"? I really like how this is sort of animeish sort of realistic and I've very tempted to keep drawing in this manner and keep the extra large eyes for the chibis! Hmmm what else can I say? It's a nice change from attempting to draw waif-ishly thin female characters , after all , them women folk seem to have a propensity towards varying degrees of curves!

Now just to draw a decent guy in this manner , make detailed images and I am so set. Oh and if you were wondering if this was some sort of character or a random female , it is the girl in this picture and here*points to the blonde lass* and also in here. Yasu I gave you better looking hair and all that , so to be fair , I go to do the same to the other characters because I'm a fair and I treat all my artistic brainchildren well :P! Lastly , it's always fun touching up images in photoshop and adding bits of colour to pencil sketches. Not too sure if I'll colour this , I like it as it is to be honest...guess I just have to keep drawing.

So there you have it! Two forms of art that both were a joy to make! Perhaps the WalMart fairy will be kind to me and give me more morning shift work instead of me having to go through 102 939 393 983 forms to change my time table >_>! So that's all you get to look at for now!


sketches, blog, design, pencils, traditional art, css, original characters

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