Title: It's In His Kiss (a.k.a. Chinen-thon Prompt #12 - 5 Times Chinen Kissed Daiki)
Author: Knowmonsta
Pairings: DaiChii
Words: 408
Genre: Fluff
Rating: PG
Summary: Chinen loves to kiss Daiki.
Note: More DaiChii fluff!!!! Lol. I hope you guys like it!
1. A Caring Gesture
"Ouch!" Daiki exclaimed, fiercely shaking his hand.
"What happened, Dai-chan?" Chinen asked, concerned.
"Paper cut," Daiki replied showing Chinen the back of his hand.
Chinen smiled, took Daiki's hand in own, and kissed it.
"Better?" he asked.
"Much better," Daiki replied smiling and hugging him. "Thanks Chii."
2. Forehead
Daiki was awakened from his nap by a figure gently shaking him.
"Dai-chan BEST has a dance practice now. You gotta wake up."
Daiki rubbed his eyes and sat up to see Chinen.
"Thanks Chii," he said.
Chinen lightly pressed his lips against Daiki's forehead.
"You're welcome," he said smiling.
3. Finishing The Puzzle
"Having trouble Chii?" Daiki asked when he came back from his dance practice. Chinen was sprawled out on the floor, a half completed puzzle in front of him.
"Yeah," Chinen muttered. "The dumb piece won't fit!"
Daiki chuckled.
"That's because it doesn't go there," he told the younger man, lying on the floor next to him. "It goes over there."
"Oh," Chinen said, blushing in embarrassment. "I knew that."
Daiki laughed.
The two spent the next fifteen minutes putting the puzzle together.
"You do the honors, Chinen," Daiki said when they got to the last piece. Chinen placed it in its spot and cheered.
"We did it Dai-chan!" he exclaimed, kissing his cheek. "Hey maybe I could stay the night at your house and we can do more puzzles!"
"That would be fun," Daiki agreed, smiling. "I'll call my mom."
4. Lips
"I called my mom," Daiki told Chinen later on that day. "She says she has no problem with you staying the night."
"Yay!" Chinen exclaimed and in his elation he kissed Daiki's lips.
"Had I know you'd do that, I would've asked you to come over a long time ago," Daiki said, grinning.
5. From My Heart To Yours
Chinen was lying in Daiki's arms on the bed older man's bed. The two were watching television together.
"Chii, it's getting late," Daiki told him. "We should go to sleep."
"Aww, okay," Chien said and Daiki turned off the television.
"Goodnight, Chii," he said, wrapping the covers around the two of them.
Chinen smiled and kissed Daiki's heart. Daiki blushed, even though Chinen's lips only came in contact with his t-shirt.
"Goodnight Dai-chan," Chinen said. "I love you."
If Daiki was red before, it was nothing compared to how red he was now.
"I love you too," he said, smiling.
The End!
I hope you liked it!