[One-Shot] First Date

Jul 16, 2008 15:51

Title: First Date

Author: Knowmonsta

Pairings: YabuJin, Kusame

Words: 819

Genre: Fluff

Rating: PG

Summary: Sequel to Excitement. Yabu proves to be a nervous spazz once again as Jin takes him to the movies.

Note: So, I had to add yet another one-shot to the series. So there are three more to go, making the series seven one-shots total from the original five. Hee hee. This is what I get when my imagination works overtime. Lol. I hope you guys like it!

~First Date~

"HIKARU WHAT AM I GONNA DO?!" Yabu yelled pacing the room. "Akanishi-kun is gonna be here in thirty minutes!"

Hikaru laughed.

"Yabu chill out," he told him. "You'll be fine."

"You're just saying that to calm my nerves."

"Is it working?"

"Not. At. All."

"Well I tried," Hikaru said, shrugging.

Yabu sighed and sat on the bed, his head in his hands.

"Stop making me depressed!" Hikaru exclaimed, throwing up his hands. "Look, it's just a movie and maybe a Takoyaki stand afterwards. Quit being so nervous and start thinking about how much fun you're gonna have!"

Yabu looked at Hikaru, who was seconds from yanking his own hair out, and laughed.

"You're right," he said. "I should relax."

"Right," Hikaru said grinning. "Re-lax."

The doorbell rang and Yabu jumped off the bed and ran into the bathroom yelling 'OH MY GOD HE'S HEEEERE!"

Hikaru rolled his eyes and went to get the door.

"Hi Akanishi-kun!" he exclaimed. "Yabu's in his room freaking out about his hair . . . and his outfit. . . everything actually."

"Shush you," Yabu said, coming out of his room. "H-Hi Akanishi-kun."

Jin smiled at him.

"Hi Kota," he said and Yabu blushed at the use of his first name. "You look cute."

"T-thanks," Yabu replied, looking at the ground. "So do you."

Jin beamed.

"We should get going," he said. "The movie's starting soon and I think we should sit in the back."

'Oh he's laying it on thick,' Hikaru thought, smirking as Yabu blushed.

"I'll have him back by ten," Jin told Hikaru.

"Ten, twelve, whenever," Hikaru replied with a smile, carelessly waving his hand.

"Hi-ka-ru!" Yabu exclaimed, blushing harder.

Jin laughed.

"Later Hika-chan!" he said, taking Yabu's wrist and leading him out of the door.

Hikaru smiled.

"They grow up so fast!" he exclaimed, pretending to cry.


Yabu felt tense as he and Jin sat in the movie theater.

'Get a grip, Kota,' he thought. 'It's just Akanishi-kun.'

But he jumped slightly as he felt an arm snake around his shoulders. A few seconds later Yabu relaxed into the touch and very slowly titled his head until it was on Jin's shoulders.

He couldn't see it but Jin's was smiling.


Hikaru's prediction was right. Jin and Yabu decided to walk down shopping strip after the movie and so the two stopped at a Takoyaki stand, each getting a box.

"Weight gain strategy two," Jin told him, grinning.

Yabu laughed.

The two continued walking and a shirt in a display window caught Yabu's eye. It was black with a skull in silver rhinestones.

"Cool!" he exclaimed, gazing at it.

"That would look cute on you," Jin said, and without another word he dragged Yabu into the store exclaimed 'I'm getting it for you!'


True to his word Jin and Yabu arrived back at the younger man's house at 9:57pm.

"I really had a lot of fun," Yabu said. "And thanks for the shirt."

"Me too," Jin replied, grinning. "And you're welcome."

"Well . . . goodnight," Yabu said, brushing his show against the sidewalk.

"Goodnight," Jin replied kissing Yabu's forehead. He lingered for a few seconds and Yabu felt his body become extremely warm.

Jin moved away and smiled.

"Your mom's at the door," he said, and Yabu turned to see Hikaru with a big smile on his face. He blushed slightly.

"Goodnight, Akanishi-kun," he said walking up the porch steps.

"Goodnight Yabucchi!" Jin replied Jin replied, grinning.

With one last look and a wave, Yabu closed the front door.

"I'm guessing that you had a spectacular time," Hikaru said grinning, and Yabu let out a squeal, causing the younger boy to close his ears and eyes.

"It was awesome!" he exclaimed.

Hikaru laughed as Yabu pulled him into the living room, saying 'I'll give you all the details!'

Jin skipped down the street, whipping out his cell phone and hitting #1 on his speed dial.


"Success, Kame-chan!" Jin exclaimed. "I'm halfway there! And I got there by playing it safe. So there."

"You're such a child sometimes, Jin."


"Anyways, what did you guys do?"

"We went to the movies and then shopping."

"Sounds harmless enough," Kame replied. "So you do realize that that's as far as it can go for now right?"

"Could you stop reminding me?"

"If I didn't we'd have a scandal on our hands."

"Live a little Ojii-chan."

Kame sighed into the phone.

"Kazuya I get your point," Jin said grinning as he realized he had ticked the younger man off. "I promise you I won't do anything that'll get me put in jail."

"And a psycho ward."

"And a psycho ward," Jin replied, laughing. "Okay?"

"Fine," Kame replied. "I'll talk to you later. Kusano's on his way over."


"Goodbye Jin," Kame replied laughing slightly.

"Goodbye," Jin replied, laughing and hanging up.

"Everything will be Kame," he thought confidently. "You'll see!"

The End!


I hope you liked it!

pairing: kamenashi kazuya/kusano hironor, group: kat-tun, character: yabu kota, character: kamenashi kazuya, genre: fluff, rating: pg, character: kusano hironori, length: one-shot, character: akanishi jin, pairing: akanishi jin/yabu kota, group: hey! say! jump

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