[Drabbles] Ups And Downs

Jun 21, 2008 14:10

Title: Ups and Downs (a.k.a. NishiKato 10 Songs Challenge)

Author: Knowmonsta

Pairing: NishiKato

Words: 620

Genre: Romance

Rating: PG-13

Summary: A peak into the NishiKato relationship.

Note: So here's my attempt at the 10 Songs Challenge NishiKato style! I really liked these, but I was a little mad at JMac for giving me such an angsty inspiration. I hope you like it!!!!

1. Special Happiness - KAT-TUN

Ryo smiled as he looked at the sleeping figure in his arms. The sunlight streamed through the window and cast a beautiful glow over the younger man. He looked beautiful, angelic almost. How lucky was he to wake up to the same sight every morning!

Shige let out a soft groan, moving closer to Ryo, who chuckled. He kissed his forehead.

"Good morning Shige," he said, smiling and playing in his hair.

2. Keep Your Hands Off My Girl - Good Charlotte

Ryo was pretty annoyed. He leaves the dance floor for two seconds to use the bathroom and he comes back to see some guy moving in on his Shige! He growled and quickly moved through the crowd.

"He's taken," he said, shortly, taking Shige's hand and pulling him away.

Shige laughed.

"Somebody's feeling jealous," he said.

Ryo rolled his eyes.

"Am not," he said.

3. The Joke Mash-Up With Everything - Jason Mraz & Chrissie Hynde

Shige had heard plenty of rumors about Ryo's reputation when the two started dating. 'He's a player', 'he's no good for you' and 'don't trust him' were just a few.

But Shige didn't give it much thought. He knew better. He trusted Ryo with his life. Ryo made him feel safe and complete.

And as he and Ryo sat on the couch, Ryo holding him, he knew that was all he ever needed.

4. Ai Sareruyori Aishitai - Yaotome Hikaru

Shige bounced around backstage as he listened to Hikaru's solo. Ryo smiled as he watched him.

"You're off beat," he teased.

Shige pouted.

5. Asahi wo Mi Ni Ikou Yo - Ikuta Toma, Hasegawa Jun, & Kamenashi Kazuya

Shige smiled as he and Ryo sat on the beach, watching the sunset.

"It's beautiful, isn't it?" he asked Ryo.

"Yeah," Ryo replied.

Shige smiled, knowing Ryo wasn't paying attention to the sky at all.

6. Crawling Back To You - Backstreet Boys

"Shige open this door now!" Ryo yelled, banging on the front door to his apartment. "I know you can hear me!"

Shige slumped against the door, not saying a word.

"Shige please," Ryo begged. "I need to talk to you!"

No answer.

"I'm sorry, Shige," Ryo said. "I was stupid and wrong. I miss you. Please open the door."

No answer.

Ryo sighed and turned to leave.


He smiled as Shige opened the door and threw himself on him.

"I'm sorry, Shige," he whispered.

7. Race - Nishikido Ryo

Shige watched from backstage as Ryo performed. He had never felt so proud of his boyfriend before. He looked amazing and sounded great. He waited for Ryo to glance backstage as he always did and he mouthed 'I love you'.

Ryo smiled as went back to dancing more energized than before.

8. Sunadokei - Tegoshi Yuya

Ryo sighed as he stared at the clock on his nightstand. Time seemed to go by much slower since he and Shige broke up. And he hated it.

He groaned and rolled over, continuing to be miserable.

9. Jealousy - DNAngel Soundtrack

Out of the corner of his eyes Shige watched as Ryo and Tegoshi watched T.V., Tegoshi's head on Ryo's shoulder. He glared.

"Jealous?" Koyama asked, grinning.

"No," Shige snapped.

But he knew his best friend could read through the lines.

10. Invincible - Jesse McCartney

Shige knelt next to Ryo's hospital bed, tears falling from his face.

"Please don't let him die," he whispered. "Please God don't take him from me."

It didn't look good. Ryo had been involved in a car accident. Tests showed he had been drinking and due to a lack of focus, he sped off the road. They were lucky to get him here when they did.

"Please be okay, Ryo," Shige whispered.


I hope you liked it!

character: nishikido ryo, character: kato shigeaki, group: news, genre: romance, rating: pg-13, length: drabble set, pairing: nishikido ryo/kato shigeaki

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