[Drabble] The Return Of KusaNo! Man - Dating Book

Jun 14, 2008 15:59

Title: The Return of KusaNo! Man - Dating Book

Author: Knowmonsta

Characters: Kusano Hironori, Yabu Kota, Yaotome Hikaru

Words: 178

Genre: Crack, Humor

Rating: PG

Summary: After Hikaru's dating book fails to get him a girl, he decides to throw it away.

Note: This is another random one-shot. And it made me realize that I miss Kusa.

The Return of KusaNo! Man - Dating Book

"I don't understand it!" Hikaru muttered as he and Yabu sat on the park bench that day. "Michi didn't even give me the time of day! And I did everything the book told me to!"

"What book?" Yabu asked.

"This one," Hikaru said, pulling out a pink book from his book bag entitled 'How to Get A Girl' "I opened doors for her, carried her books, and complimented her hair! But she still won't go out with me!"

"That book must be useless then," Yabu told him. "Let's throw it away."

"Agreed!" Hikaru exclaimed.

"Throwing away your dating advice book? Noooooooooooooo!"

Yabu and Hikaru exchanged grins. It was him again.

KusaNo! Man appeared from behind a tree.

"So KusaNo! Man," Yabu began. "Why shouldn't we get rid of the dating book?"

"That's simple," KusaNo! Man replied. "I might need it!"

"Here," Hikaru replied, smiling and handing him the book.

"Thank you young man!" KusaNo! Man exclaimed, leaving. "And remember, always eat your vegetables!"

Hikaru looked at Yabu.

"You wanna go get some ice cream?

"Yeah," Yabu replied, nodding.

The End!


I hope you liked it!

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length: drabble, character: yabu kota, group: news, character: yaotome hikaru, genre: crack, rating: pg, group: ya-ya-yah, genre: humor, character: kusano hironori

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