I'm sure you've all noticed the recent changes to Livejournal. Well, it's only just the beginning. LJ is planning all kinds of
changes. Changes they put to a test group and got all kinds of negative feedback but decided they were going to do anyway. THEN when even more people were outraged on their comments thread (over 100 pages of complaints) they decided that they weren't going to communicate to their customers but instead giggle about it on twitter in Russian. I wish I were joking.
http://lj-releases.livejournal.com/71858.html?thread=7496882#t7496882 Anyway, I've decided that I don't want to support a company that doesn't respect it's customers. However, I don't like wasting money either. So I'm making a mirror account of Sam over on Dreamwidth and for the next 6 months (the amount of time I have left of this paid account) I will be giving it a test run. If in 6 months LJ gets worse and I like DW better, I will be making the switch. I don't expect anyone to follow me but I really hope you do, at least a test run of your own, because I would hate to lose any of you.