Oct 14, 2004 17:04
Wow....spanish was very intresting today!!!! My teacher Mrs.Bratton had a mental break down and started crying. She was sooo upset she left the classroom. Well this is how it all started....This one boy told her dat she doesnt teach us anything, so she began to cry and left the room 4 about 10 minutes. Omg i felt sooo bad b/c I alwayz talk about how bad of a teacher she is and it really hurt her. Wen she came back in the class she was balling...and her nose was RED! She tried to cover it up...she was lyk "guys im soooo sorry im juss really tired".
Whats next???? Ohhhh.....Juan. Omfg 2day I saw this guy that I had neva seen b4, his name is Juan. He is sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo fine!!!! But of course he would neva lyk a grl lyk me!!! Oh ya Christina thinks he looks good 2...she prolly get him! All the guy I ever seem 2 lyk neva lyk me bac. That would be cool if he was actually intrested in me!!!woot woot. Well ....im out