Today was Sophia's Birthday, she turned 15. She is the sweetest thing ever....I bought her a Barney and a Cinderella ballons. Here are a few pictures of her n her ballons...
*Sophia* *Sophia's Ballons* Sophia if your reading this I hope you have an A-W-S-O-M-E Birthday!!!
Otha than Sophia's Birthday school was okay i guess. My druggie friend Eric needs to stop smokin....I am really close to him and I dont want him smokin, I think that is so nasty and unattractive. Omg Kristen I love you!!! All the dirt you tell me on Julianna is soooo funny! I neva thought she was sooo bad. Christina my love....I am soooo HAPPY our stalker didnt stalk us 2day. That test in math wasnt that hard....Everyone who is reading my Journal Christina is taken.
Christina and me are lovers, dont mess w/ her....shhh dont tell anyone. (Im juss playin me n Christina are "strictly dickly") Christina ur sooooo sweet and ur my bestfriend this year so far....even though its not vise Well thats all i have to say right now ...ill prolli b bac later!
<3 Jessica