This entry is dedicated to Tessie - my car, who is no longer with us now. On Christmas Eve, after a long degenerative battle with old-age, her engine finally seized. We tried reviving her, thinking maybe it was only the battery, but alas, it was the entire engine - it just gave out.
RIP Tessie
April 1992 - December 24, 2005
We've been through a lot together.
Remember when we accidentally bumped into the concrete column in the parking garage at Roosevelt Field when I went Christmas shopping with Jen Hanley?
Or how about the time I was driving upstate with Lauren Drucker and we ran into a highway sign?
Then there was the time in the New Res parking lot when we were coming home one night. There was a spot semi-close to the building but it was next to a telephone pole. Unfortunately for us, we didn't see the metal pipe that was bent and jutting out of the pole cus it was out of our line-of-sight and then it gouged a rip in your side.
And we can't forget the time on a high ride with Anna, Elliott and MJ (who was driving) that she ran over and killed a possum they appeared in the fog out of NO WHERE! And then a few months later, I did the same shit to a possum that came out of nowhere on a high ride in Malverne.
Lest we forget when I went out to King Umberto's with mom, dad and grandma and Keith broke the rear window when he was chipping golf balls or some stupid shit.
Next, we had the time when MJ borrowed the car one night and a deer ran into you and ripped you a up. At least you didn't die like the deer did.
Following that incident came the time on the way to pick mom up from work when that bitch slammed on her breaks and we rear-ended her and then she tried to sue me for whiplash.
If I recall correctly, next some asshole side-swiped us driving upstate on the Cross Island.
Following, I accidentally clipped off your passenger-side window.
And then came the kicker of it all: getting taken away a few weeks ago, me almost getting arrested, all because our insurances were dumb fucks and so was the DMV so there was an insurance lap. That one sucked.
You were around for countless speeding tickets, getting stuck in the snow in Oneonta and I may have cursed you out a lot. But you were also there for all those wonderful high rides. You were there for all those road trips back and forth upstate with either MJ and/or Lauren. You were there to take me to see my friends, whether it be Jersey or Westchester or out to Suffolk to Selden or Farmingville, up to the north shore to Manhasset, trips to Binghamton and Albany...wherever I needed to go, you took me. You were there.
I took you for granted. I don't think I gave you enough oil, I don't think I was as careful with you as I should have been. I might have called you a piece of shit...but you were still there. And now, you're not. I don't have you to rely on anymore. I'm going to have to get by on my own somehow. What am I going to do without you?
So now I am left completely alone. No boy, no money, no car...what am I to do?
My parents want to sell the '97 Blazer so they can buy a smaller, more compact, more gas-efficient car for my mom. They're gonna auction it off on E-Bay.
Now, I don't mean to sound like a spoiled brat, but they're leaving me without a car and instead of offering me some sort of payment plan on the Blazer, they're gonna auction it off to a complete stranger.
They're gonna leave their oldest son, who's in college, whom they have let get used to living with a car, who needs a job upstate (and explain how I am going to work without a car???), without a car and sell it to a complete stranger. Does that seem fair? Ugh, I'm such a brat.
I think I'm going to try and sit them down this week and see if there's some sort of plan I can work out with them. Especially if I end up getting my job at Blockbuster back (another story, not going to get into cus I'm not counting my chickens before they hatch this time). I would really like to have a way to get around. Plus I LOVE driving the Blazer. It's so comfortable and it's high up and the CD player works and it's roomy and I'm not going to get stuck in the snow as much. Sure, it's more expensive to put gas in and it's not as efficient, but it's a way to get around.
I doubt I'll end up getting the Blazer, I want it...but it's just hard for me right now. It's not sinking in that I don't have a car anymore. I can't just go out at 2am to visit a random friend or go on a spontaneous high ride or take a cruise on my own to clear my head or familiarize myself with my surroundings. What am I going to do?