I’ve been feeling slightly unsettled lately. I’ve procrastinated about posting this for fear of sounding like a whining cow. After all I’m moving to somewhere so popular most people need to be a millionaire to live and it is entirely my decision. However, after speaking to
glove_puppet I feel vindicated. Apparently it is completely normal to feel slightly apprehensive about moving across the water in less time than most people take to plan a holiday. I’ve also had a thanks but no thanks letter from the Falklands, which made me feel as if this was meant to be, or at least that wasn‘t.
I spoke to HR yesterday and it’s going to be the end of May now before they sort out the paperwork, which I have mixed feelings about too. In some ways I can’t wait to go but I can also see the advantage of having slightly longer to organise myself. I have a new bike, little point taking a car to an island that’s only 7.6 miles wide; a new wetsuit, essential piece of equipment; and I went into Matalan yesterday to buy an entire summer wardrobe for comically little money. I had a strange but amusing moment at the checkout. The cashier, seeing the random assortment of summer clothing and a bottle of sun cream (for my ridiculously British skin) commented on how I must be going somewhere nice on holiday.
“Actually, I’m moving to Guernsey,” I replied, which made think, wow I really am!
Whilst looking for a map the other day I discovered that Guernsey wasn’t on the Ordnance Survey Grid, outrageous! Although OS advertise the fact that there is excellent data available, there seems to be a deficit of reliable maps in print. I did find one of the Channel Islands but Smiths had it on a two week wait and it was a little overpriced. So if anyone knows of a good map please enlighten me and point me in the direction of somewhere where I can obtain a copy, preferably online. I’m looking for a relief map, you know one with contours, hills and stuff ;) !
I’ve applied for a deed poll to change my name to my maternal grandmother’s maiden name. It’s something I’ve been thinking about for some time now, for a variety of reasons and now seems like as good a time as any. It feels like fitting punctuation for a new chapter in my life. My new friends and colleagues on Guernsey will only know me by that name and I have to inform everyone of my change of address anyway, so adding a name change will be very little extra hassle. I’ve chosen my grandmother’s maiden name because my mother’s maiden name makes me sound like a clichéd romantic novelist and because I was named after my great grandma who shared the same surname.
I’ve also been having trouble with the penguins lately, but I’ll tell you about that some other time.