Now to be silly

Apr 10, 2007 08:43

From mkb_technologie, 5 questions. You know the drill.
1.) I know you from everything2. Do you still feel a connection with that site? What is your opinion on the recent self-searching angst expressed by certain users in the daylogs?
1. I don't feel as much of a deep personal connection before as I once did. But in a way, I never really was steeped in it the way many others we know once were, back in the early 21st Century. This angst & daylogs business? I know nothing of it.

2.) Would you lay any money on a pirate vs. ninja fight? Which way and why?
Ninjas. So more bad-ass. The pirates wouldn't even be able to see them coming! Pirates are clumsy with primitive technology. Ninjas are agile with simple, but effective, technology. Unless you mean software pirates, in which case scratch this whole answer.

3.) Have you ever lived in an area affected by extreme urban decay? Did it survive (e.g. Providence) or fail (e.g. Detroit)?
Arguably, I've been living in such areas for nigh 7 years. Baltimore from 2000-2004, now Rochester NY. I think Baltimore will partially survive. Parts of it will implode & should be razed immediately, but much of it struggles to keep on. Rochester's surviving, but TPTB could do a helluva lot better job. Fucking ferry.

4.) What can the US do about its growing illiteracy rate?
Revolutionize the public school systems. How exactly, I don't know. That's the Big Step I can see. It would also help for many of us privileged folk with time on our hands to volunteer at programs that help those in need. I don't do that enough.

5.) Law and Order: is it always on the TV?
No. prudemermaid tried to find it on at some point the other day (maybe 11 AM, maybe 3 AM) & failed. 57 channels & nothing on? More like 300 channels and nothing on...

everything2, meme, tv, rochester, baltimore, survey

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