Aug 22, 2004 22:36
I drove to Pudgie's Pizza in Corning today to pick up a Party Pack for Andy, Pat, and myself. (We managed to split it three ways, because we're hungryfat like that.) On the way, I stopped at a 4-way stop in the Southside residential area. I felt like turning right. A car pulled up on the left as well. The driver, a man about 65 years old, poked into the intersection, made eye contact with me, and WAGGED HIS FINGER TO SAY "TSK, NO NO". The possible scenarios are as follows:
-He couldn't turn left because I was taking up the left lane as well. (Yes, I'm a bad driver. I failed four road tests.)
-He thought I was going to run the stop sign. (I hate you, Road Tests #3 & #4.)
-He thought I was just plain not going to yield to him, which is sort of the same thing as #2.
No matter what, he still made that gesture at me. Seriously, Mister, can't you roll down your window and shout an obscenity? Or at the VERY least, give me the finger? But don't pretend I'm your toddler or your puppy.