The Audience's Listening

Aug 16, 2006 00:40

Evan & Meghan's (not that Meghan; no, not that one either) wedding was all very pleasant. Over the course of the weekend, I wore 3 of the shirts and 0 of the neckties. Great food, interesting people, good music, gorgeous location. My brother forgot to bring my camera, so no pictures coming from this kid. The groom is a family friend, the sort who's more like a cousin than not. His parents & mine hung out together at Northwestern in the mid-late 70s, when my dad was in grad school and my mom was at her first job with the groom's parents.

Some of you have noticed that I haven't been in the office much over the past few days. Monday was spent sanding; Tuesday was spent barbecuing. I finally bought the right sander but decided to try my hand with it on the old table first to get the hang of it. It seems like a smart idea, but I might by in over my head. I want to finish stripping the old one before moving on to the good one, but it's taking a while for some reason. Maybe the pain, maybe the sandpaper, maybe the user. Today I attempted to make pulled pork on the grill. I'd dry rubbed it last night then smoked it today but wasn't able to keep a consistent temperature. The end result is some taaaaaaaaasty skin, but not really pull-apart meat. C'est la vie. Riley came back in the house this evening from being out, and said "Our house smells phenomenal". Doug & his sister dropped by, and she was very excited to try a piece. OF THE PORK. Both of those things pleased me. So I have food for the next.. few days, for sure. Oh, and I got some reading for the chapter done today, too.

It looks like I'm giving a BCS lunch talk in a little over a month. Shit, that's sooner than I think. It's the day Dick leaves, too. Nothing motivates me like a real deadline. With luck I'll be able to run Experiment 1b and 2 in the near future. Yowza. 1b should be trivial. The trick is getting Mike & Dick to agree to my running it. Those in the know: can/should I just go ahead and run a few subjects on my own? It's basically to answer a pretty standard/easy/obvious criticism about 1a. Those of you who wish to geek about this further may do so in the comments:)

And a question for you all -- what are you listening to these days, musicwise? I'm always, always curious.

projects, wedding, research, oz, cooking, music, bcs, meat, food, clothing

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