(My life is actually pretty interesting, it's just that I prefer to
post about dreams and computers.)
Is it just me, or have there been an increase in pregnancy dreams among my friends recently? Last night I dreamt that an old flame of mine (who doesn't read this) was pregnant and the father had abandoned the baby. And I dreamt about eating chicken with Vik, but that's much less interesting, except for the setting being some funky lounge/bar thing in downtown Corning. HAH! We were critical about the chicken. Like,
Sideways critical.
My new laptop has arrived! I have never actually owned my own computer before. Can you believe that? They've always been "the family's" or, more recently, my brother's that are just on loan. The
installation of necessary apps is going slowly, because I got distracted by transferring data from my desktop. Which is going REALLY slowly, despite how fast it should be going given that it's just through a crossover cable. Steve blames Windows networking, which I think is reasonable. It's going about a gig an hour, maybe a bit slower: I started the mp3s copy at 2:20 when I went to bed, and it's still not done. "75 minutes remaining", but the big directories are through.
KNOCK ON WOOD, I'm done collecting Oz data for now. We'll see what RNA says today about it, but there's no significant difference between conditions (except.. oh nevermind) so next up is lumping things together and seeing what shows up. Statistics can be surprising. That's sometimes good and sometimes terrifying. There's all sorts of other stuff I'm curious about, but I don't know if I'll get to do it before the poster's drawn up. I think I basically have to have that done by Tuesday to be printed in time, in which case I might probably should just present it at the CVS Symposium poster session as a dry run. I feel a little bad scooping myself but meh.
Will be in Corning this weekend.