Your time is gonna come

Sep 26, 2005 19:29

So, the past week. Wednesday was the Lost premier. I hadn't seen any of last season, so the recap episode before was... helpful? I guess? I'm intrigued. Will continue to watch. Thursday was Reunion and ER. Some more embarassing/nostalgic TV-watching preceded that.

Friday was a very long day. I have no idea what I did all morning. Laundry, maybe? I met with a student to discuss some 110 whatnot. She got a Georgia O'Keefe reference I made. Or at least pretended to. After Sensory Systems, KK and I planned to get beer for that night's party. Katie'd broken her foot, so I was going to drive her car from Meliora to Strong. But something went very very wrong with the key, and it wouldn't start. We picked her up and she couldn't get it to work either. Nor could we pull it out. Shoot. So she called AAA and we went on our merry way, leaving Katie & her broken toe behind. Kakes and I managed to navigate W Henrietta & Jefferson with very little issue despite the "Friday Rush Hour" traffic. Then I high-tailed it over to a TA meeting at Alex's. Once home, I napped for a good hour, then KK's birthday party started. Mike-on-the-couch was in town for it, etc. etc. I think we need to move Beirut up to the living room. Hmm.

Saturday was a gorgeous day. In the morning, KK was hungover, and we made CarbFest: French toast & pancakes. Enough to feed the two of us, Mike, Meghan, and have leftovers for another 2 people. The afternoon was spent running errands. We turned over the compost in Meghan's garden (aren't you proud, momomom?) which was more exciting than it sounds, then went to the Verizon store where I got my phone's firmware upgraded, then Home Depot for Meghan's house projects. I managed to exercise restraint and not buy anything. Perhaps a first there? The big project was fixing the drainage of 86's gutters. This was a project where there's no right way to do it, but seemingly many wrong ways. It involved ingenuity and engineering and persistence. And duct tape. And some misuse of tools. We grilled kebabs with Vik for dinner, as kind of a "grilling season's about to end" affair. We talked about grad school, we talked about God, then we ate grilled (okay, burnt) peaches on ice cream. Later, Meghan & I worked on our Secret Julie Project.

Sunday was really productive, I guess? Did my usual Parkleigh/Montana Mills thang, then hit the office for some reading, and a review session for 110 which I led with Michelle. It went well, except that I had to use chalk. Chalk is a disgusting substance.

Earlier today, I had a serious craving for RoFo, brought about by the smells of hot chocolate and coffee. Then I got to thinking about Smokin' Jays from Eddie's. Next time I go to Wegmans, I'm getting fixings for them. Rowr. My problem is finding rolls the right size.

Lots to do tonight: Nas data running and graphing for a meeting tomorrow at 11:30, then Clifton effect programming for a meeting tomorrow at 11. Perhaps a Wegs run? Tomorrow is packed with meetings (3?) and a talk, plus the 110 exam which I'll maybe use as a study hall to prepare for either/both meetings.

PBS is showing a Scorsese-directed documentary about Bob Dylan tonight/tomorrow. Wooh! How did people live before D/PVRs? I guess they learned to program their VCRs.

Our fans need cleaning. Back to the lab with me...

taing, clifton, food, 110, nas

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