Title: Birthday Present for Batman
Artist: Junkiefornews
Prompt: Birthday
Word Count: (for fic only)
Rating: G
Summary: Self-Explanatory
Disclaimer:This work is based on characters and concepts created and owned by DC Comics, Warner Bros. and other entities and corporations. No money is being made and no copyright and/or trademark infringement is intended. (This is our general disclaimer, which you are free to use and alter as you see fit. If you are using material from other fandoms, please don't forget to add that to your disclaimer.)
Warnings: I did this at the last minute, so it's unfinished. Those loop things are supposed to be chains. When I get home from work, I'll probably color them in and send out a new version, but I just wanted to get something out before I left. (I spent too much time on those little bats).