Title: Insane Love - part five - his own sordid obsession...
Disclaimer: i do not own, nor am receiving any monetary rewards, for this work. the Batman Fandom is owned and operated by Warner Brothers and DC Comics.
Rating: M, NC-17
Prompt: “Birthday”, with a little hint of Round One and Two's prompts.
Word Count: 517
Warnings: Anal, Challenge Fic, D/S, Language, M/M, S&M, Violence.
Summary: -Joker's POV.- love at it’s darkest, and seemingly without love at all. this is a tale of rough sex, hard facts, and grappling with strange emotions. Nolanverse.
his own sordid obsession...
he wasn't sure how much longer he could fool his Harley into believing the tryst with the Bat, his Bat, were less than they really were. didn't want her knowing how much he craved the billionaire vigilante, how much more he enjoyed being fucked than fucking. granted, he wasn't on one side of the boat, but he had his preference. it was a great secret, then a great pretend, or so he had to convince his Harley. it was moments like these that made him wonder why he allowed her to live, and in the moments when he truly was ready to kill her, the Bat reminded him that killing her could have adverse reactions to their strange romance.
he wouldn't risk that, it was worth too much; his psyche depended on it.
he couldn't let her in on his secret shame, his hidden desires, because she would think him not only a fool, but he might loose the only friendly person in his life other than his dark and somewhat mysterious lover. didn't want that, couldn't handle that, not now and not ever. she may be a fool, her birthday a perfect indicator of that, but he cared for her in his own corrupted way. she had so much going for her; born on the Day of Fools, blonde, and with such a perfect name!
what clown wouldn't love her?!
but he couldn't help loving the Bat, his Bat- wait, did he dare think of love and his Bat in the same instance? could it be, with his very new head, very new heart, that he was finally falling in love?! preposterous, impossible, simply crazy! to convince himself otherwise, he purposely and vindictively fucked his Harley with lost abandon, trying desperately not to imagine his Bat beneath him. efforts for naught, he left her quivering and satisfied to clean up, and then dragged her into the parlour to begin planning their next act of chaos. at least, other than the sex when his Bat wasn't available, his Harley was good at planning.
boy, what a plan she had in her twisted mind too.
with her birthday so close, they focused on it, a primary joy that gave little else but sore throats and sides. for as much glee as their antics tended to give, he knew without a single doubt that his Harley was very jealous of his Bat, and most often, he didn’t know how to deal with that, so he relied upon his great pretend, giving her whatever she wanted to take her mind off his own sordid obsession. not that his Harley’s was much better, considering he was it. that alone was enough to drive him back to sanity, were he ever inclined to doing so.
although that would never, ever happen.
he knew the perfect thing to get her, something that would make her smile and give him some more space, some more time. he had to be sneaky, steal them when no one would noticed, like in transit, and make it look as if they disappeared, like it was someone else’s fault. no one knew, no one guessed, and the look on her face was well worth it. he would do almost anything to make her happy like this, to give himself the space he needed to run off for more bedlam fun with his masked man, the dark lover of his dreams and nightmares.
hope everyone enjoys this new addition to the Insane Love Series. i know it took me forever to get out, and the only reason i can think of is that i'm working on a fiction for another fandom that's kind of getting in the way of my focus on this series. yet this is here now, and i'm very proud with how it came out.