Fiction - Charcoal

Apr 22, 2007 23:14

Challenge: color_i_fic
Prompt: Paint It Black - Charcoal
Word Count: 253
Summary: Fading Away
Note: Whether this has anything to do directly to do with Logan or not, I have no idea. We needed another story to complete the latest challenge and I asked him to look over the prompts and give me something. This is what he gave me. I asked him what this is supposed to be, he said it was him being creative. All further answers were just as cryptic or strange. So, since he gave it to me, I'm submitting it for the challenge - regardless of whether it actually has anything to do with him or not. Muses!

He watched the world around him with a numb disinterest. A scream of protest tingled at the back of his mind but the lethargy won over.

The world around him that was once so crisp and clear, vivid with a full spectrum of color was now fading away. At first he hadn't noticed. The change had been slight. A smudge here, a distortion there; but it wasn't long before those vivid colors became washed out.

He fought it at first. Demanding that this not happen. Then he realized it was all for not. Instead of fighting for survival, he decided instead to retreat. His cause was futile but he could immerse himself in his memory, where vivid colors would continue to sing. If only ever in his mind.

Around him the world continued to fade until shades of grey were all that remained. Some areas smeared; others still clear, but as listless as he.

He could hear her. Hear the callings for him to stay; even watched as she attempted in vain to reach him. But he did nothing, happy to live in the security of his memory, trapped in a moment in time.

A final look at the world that once was his playground, now all he saw was the charcoal sketch. Not even a shadow of what once was. And soon that too would be gone.

Her voice although not as strong, continued to call. He wondered if he would live in her memory as clearly as he lived in his.

fiction, color i fic

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