Jan 13, 2010 23:57
I really liked District 9. It's not life changing or anything, but, fuck, it's an original story told very well. Despite its faults, I didn't find it predictable. It's not the greatest movie of the year by any means, it's not as intelligent as I was led to believe, but it's not the Alien Nation knockoff I expected, either.
I got The Hurt Locker for tonight, so that should be enough to see what I think of last year's movies. Overall, I think we've seen an increase in quality of movies over time. There are certain exceptions here and there. Psycho is pretty notable, M is even more amazing.
Let's talk comics for a moment. Superman is a classic, sure. Compare it to Iron Man. I can't find fault with that movie. Robert Downey can be great at anything. Jeff Bridges was The Dude, and deserves reverence in whatever else he troubles himself with. Yes, I know he was in Tron and the remake. But he's the fucking Dude, man. Yet Superman kinda sucks.
You know, we were watching The Princess Bride last night, and it's a movie that would have been enjoyable in the 1930s, it was good in the '80s, it's still good now. It's the only thing Rob Reiner ever deserves credit for. Spinal Tap, which I also watched yesterday, is about the cast.
And I have no idea what my point was. I don't think I have one. I don't think I've made an LJ post when I was capable of remembering it in three years, and tonight is no exception. Anyways, Fuck James Cameron.