Feb 08, 2007 02:34
Maybe it's the season, maybe it's the bitter cold, maybe it's the classes and being burned out, but everyone (including myself) seems so down these days. It's not a stab, just an observation. And a call to action. Time to nerd it up and go and try to get some fun squeezed in somewhere.
Everyone's talking about a movie or a quaint little gathering, so let's get some dates going. New Media kids - when are your good free days? Are we looking at a weekday evening? Weekend?
And what do we want to do? Movie? Eat? Green Tea? All of the above? (I'm in for the "all of the above" option).
And who has a car? Mine is the most useless transportation for more than two people ever, so we'll have to coordinate like a synchronized swimming team.
Comment in here and let's get it sorted.