My last post was in November? Crazy

Feb 09, 2009 21:56

Well, apparently it's been a long time since I've updated. I've honestly meant to update more recently, but, like many of my writing projects on the go currently, it just kind of seemed to run out of steam sooner then it really even had a chance to start.

The latest of news is the contest that I am currently entered into. I've gotten into a contest at my gym for the biggest loser style category. Whomever can lose the most body fat percentage from now until April will win a 42'' TV for their trainer and themselves. While I'm looking forward to this, it means I have to think more carefully about my diet, and actually watch what I eat. It's also suggested I step up my current training on my own, and do an awful lot more cardio (as I suck there, and it helps a lot.)
The one thing I really need to cut down on though is drinking Coke. You know, up until now I never bothered to look and see how bad a glass is, never mind the three to four I usually drink a day.
Currently I weigh 275 lbs. and have a body fat percent of 28.8.

Hanging out with Jason and Claire is good. We're making a good dent in Dokapon Kingdom. Claire is winning pretty soundly currently, but perhaps the tables will turn... unless someone casts magic on me, then I die a horrible horrible death. The game is fun, but defiantly is the kind of game you don't play solo. Well, at least I don't find it as much fun playing solo.
Jason and I still need to kill all Robot Masters. Will inform when we're down 7, 8 and 9 then move on to either Megaman and Bass, or to the X series.

I did something I thought I would never get a chance to do, I saw a Leafs game live. I have to admit, seeing the game live is defiantly a whole lot better then TV. Hell, I enjoyed it so much I was actually cheering the Leafs on. I'd even go so far to ask if anyone would want to go to a game with me sometime, but it's not exactly a cheap outing. Still, least I put it out there, but I doubt Erin or Alana, both Leaf fans, read this :P

It's still weird working full time. I mean, earlier I had to choose when to take my vacation time. I haven't even used all my days, mostly because I hold on to the blind hope I'll actually go out and travel sometime. A new travel place just opened nearby, maybe after I actually have do some saving, I'll check it out.

Christmas was good to me as always, even if I've come to realize it's mostly a holiday for the kids.

Once again in D&D I've started cross campaigning again... I'm a silly person. Should be fun, heh, but I should let other people run. We finally did the fight in Half-breeds, and surprisingly no one died.

Though, sadly tomorrow is a earlier start, so I should head off.
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