Exercise Two

Oct 27, 2008 19:07

Exercise o2

Using a library, the internet or the local press, find out if there are any writing groups nearby. Get the contact numbers and call them, see how they work and whether they would be suitable for you to join.

Well, this one's surprisingly easy.  I already co-run a group with two friends, so that's half the battle. I guess the other half will be something like bringing something more to the group. I guess this book and this exercises will help me. I'll pass on the knowledge I gather onto the other members.

I thought it'd be nice to end with something inspirational again:

"Fifty per cent of the battle ends when you make up your mind. If you can get a good nights rest, you can cope with any problem. Since you can't solve problems with your head on your pillow, why even try? To succeed try this suggestion. Save 10% give 10% work 10% harder".  ~ Anonymous.
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