Fate and the Forth Dimension

Jul 15, 2008 19:05

Today we talked about Fate. Well, sort of. Mr. J was actually talking about 'wormholes' in the fabric of time and space; the fourth dimension and how, therefore, time travel is all the more plausible (but none the more possible). 
And we spoke of meeting your future self whilst moving through a wormhole (you'd see yourself come out of  the wormhole you are about to enter, except he/she will be from the future, and time will be going slower or him/her, (relative to you) yet you'd never be able to kill your self - your other self because it's already happened for your future self who, not forgetting, is you and you will not suddenly cease to exsist when you plunge the dagger into his/her heart). Here is where Fate steps in, this theory (for it'll only ever be a theory) suggests that things are already written for us, everything is already mapped out. For some, this brings security, for others, suffering. Knowing, or thinking that some one else knows (higher power? Fate herself?) everything you will do, and that everything's set in stone. Well. Maybe, because this is all only a theory. 
So, say you have this plan. To travel back in time to kill your grandfather. Impossible. The gun would misfire. Or you'd miss and possibly hit someone else, maybe your grandfather's friend who was strangely shot one day, you know, the story he always used to tell you about the Olden Days. Or you'd mysteriously run out of bullets (or maybe nothing as mysterious as that). But, if it were possible (we currently believe it not to be), you would not be able to kill your grandfather.

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