Even after I left the theater I seriously contemplated drawing a crucifix in red lipstick on my bedroom door. Some scary movies (and thrillers) can make me jump, but it's rare that a movie can creep me out long after I've left the theater. I really enjoyed this movie and I'd say it was really well done for having a budget of only 11,000. The actors were extremely convincing and I hope that everyone gets the chance to see it in theaters rather than renting it. There were literally people that got up and left the theater before the movie ended. I'm perfectly fine with assuming that it's because they were severely creeped out.
I thought I hadn't updated in a while, but apparently it's only been a few days. Hm....I was about to apologize and blame it on WoW. Which is true, I guess. Anyway! I had some things I wanted to mention, but now I don't know if I remember... OH! So, remember that guy that said I should go work for him or whatever? He gave me his card? Yeah, well a couple days after that I called the two numbers on the card he gave me, but he didn't answer and all I got was the answering machine. I was too embarrassed to leave a message so I just hung up. WELL, like, I don't even know, a week later I'm in bed, half asleep, and my cell phone rings. I pick it up and I'm like, "...H'llo....?" The caller is like, "Hey, uh, this is Louie, I'm returning your call from a couple days ago." And I'm thinking who the hell is Louie? so I'm just like, "Erm...I think you have the wrong number.." And he goes, "This is Vanessa, isn't it?" And I'm like, "Yeahhhh........?" and he's like, "This is Louie. I met you a week ago or so at McCormick Place. I gave you my card."
"Oh, yeahh.....heyyyy..."
"Yeah, I called you a few times before, but I just got your voicemail. I had a number call me with no message and I just figured it was you because you can kind of hear your voice on your voicemail. Anyway, I'm grabbin' a taxi right now to work, we're taking down the booths for the show right now...but uh, where you at? You at home?"
I tried to think of a quick lie but I couldn't come up with anything so I truthfully said I was at home.
"Yeah..I'm home."
"Oh, did I wake you?"
"Er, not really."
"Sorry about that. Well, listen, I get off work in a few hours but afterwards maybe I could call you and we could get something to eat or get together..."
After that I hung up at the first opportunity and prayed that he wouldn't call me after work or ....ever again. So far, he hasn't. Phew!
Type your cut contents here
this is one of my favorite pictures and I have no idea why -- maybe because i look loony
i just thought my mom looked purrrdy :/
plz leave me and barney in peace...
omg how cute is my dad here
FaThEr & SoN
oh hay dont mind me~*
my eyebrows were long and prominent
i thought my mom looked so pretty here but this picture scanned really dark and the plastic
covering was, um, raised? i guess and i tried to photoshop it out as best i could but then gave up
just my dad.....posin'
did i mention my mom dressed him?
hay im back... posin like a retard?
why is my dress so pretty...? also the lady on the right had a last name that sounded like it could almost be "sandwich" so everyone
in my class called her "ms. sandwich" behind her back. ah, memories~*~*~**~
just wrestling a gator, no big deal...
my brother liked batman a lot
LOL this is probably only funny to me. this was at our joint birthday party that my mom had for us in october for some reason?
HER birthday is in october ....but ours isn't...
broke my arm the day before we left for california..............tripped on my own sandals....wow actually now that i think about it
the sandals im wearing in this picture are the same ones that BROKE MY ARM x_x
am i the only one that finds my dad's pose extremely funny?
just my dad petting a goat, y'know..
tittie rub down: denim, flannel, AND nike's? is this 2009? omg so phresh
omg so cute
i mean, if you ever wanted to see me naked..............
what a good polaroid
oh hay mom
i tried to lighten this as much as possible. either way it's cute as fuqqqqqq >_<
my mom used to make GoOd MoNeY when we lived in our old house so she used to buy me lots of pwitty dresses*~*~*~*~*
im funny btw
so cool
omg pinch me so cute i love you daddy<3
my mom made us go to a lot of these...whatever they're called
my eyebrows need to seriously be plucked and this is one of my favorite pix of me and my brother hehehe~*
joined birthday. my brother is november 24th mine is december 26th