First off, I'm not entirely dead. I've just been moving apartments. I'll be posting
swan_tower and my new contact information under a custom friends lock for those I've actually met. If you don't see that post shortly after this one, feel free to comment here to be added to the filter and / or contacted.
Jerry Falwell just died. This is quite unexpected to me, actually. I am of the opinion that he was a bigoted hypocrite who sowed more discord than he actually evangelized the teachings of Christ. That said, I hope that those who were close to him find some solace, and I hope that his death was painless. To wish him ill or revel in his death, regardless of my opinions on his politics, wouldn't be very charitable of me.
That said, Sylvester Stallone is quite alive, and he
just pled guilty to drug charges in Australia. For an actor whose intelligence I have some respect for, that's just stupid.
Anyhow. I'm not dead, some news is happening, and I'll see if I can post more regularly now that we're moved. Ciao!