Very random entry

Sep 06, 2006 10:48

Well, I got a phone call from Jon. :) He's good. They haven't made it into their dorms yet so they are still in the tents. I'm happy they have dorms now. Its going to be very cold there very soon. Jon said it was already getting chilly. He's never had a dorm before on a deployment, it has always been a tent, so its kinda cool.

Begin randomness...
Kevin Fed is on Ellen. Seriously? No. "hip hop flavor mixed with a little rock'n'roll" No. White trash trying to fit in. Yes.

Took pics of my puppy boy today. In the rain, good stuff. Made him an icon finally. One of these days I'll make a good one, but for right now, he just felt left out. ;)

Riley has been so good today. I think he's going through a growth spurt. He's been so tired, and eating everything. Plus, all his clothes fit funny. I haven't figured out the best size for him yet.

Lane wanted to be dropped off at the school gate today. He didn't want me walking to class with him. :( I know, he did it all most all year last time, but dang it, I wasn't ready. He had a cute homework assingment last night. They had to decorate a paper bag with things he likes to do and put things inside too. No toys. On one side he drew a picture of him and Riley playing outside and then on the other side he drew an 'x' (x marks the spot), and a pirate ship, "cause I like pirates a lot". lol. He took some pictures of him and his Papaw (my Dad) on the tractor and the gator. He also took a pic of him and Riley playing outside, and his Incredibles game book for x-box. Hhhmm, what else? OH, he took one of the many cd's he loves. I think there were a couple of other little things, but those are the ones that stand out to me. All the kids have to stand up in front of class and tell everybody about their items and drawings. :) OMG, he has spelling words already! Yesterday after having his snack and playing for about an hour I sat him down to do all of his homework. The child couldn't concentrate at all! It worries me. Riley was asleep, and the tv wasn't on, so yeah, it worries me. Jon had A.D.D. and I was border line, so I'm keeping an eye out. I just don't want to over react. I mean, other than talking a lot last year, there's been no big signs. Hopefully he's just being a boy. :) He's my smart cookie, and I really hope it stays that way.

I went to the bank this morning expecting to make a deposit at the window. I was not dressed to go inside. It was 8. The window is closed. It doesn't open till 9. I got java joes, got riley a juice, tried to waste some time without getting out of the truck, and not spending too much money. It didn't work. So I gave up and went home. lol. So now I have to go back.

Yesterday I went to take care of our cell phone issue. They turned my phone off when I asked them to only turn Jons off since ya know, HE'S NOT HERE!! Anyhow, I went to the place we got our phones and the plan. They don't do any of that now. The pay station is closed. The only thing they do now is start up the plan. WTF? You can pay to get the phone and plan, but they won't take your payment for a bill that you bought there? Ok. So normally I'd just say okay, no big deal, but I drug my children out in the pouring rain to do this, and the only other 2 places you can pay it in cash are in the GHETTO!!! Uh, no. So thats the reason I'm going to the bank. lol.

Awhile back our Winn-Dixie closed. I loved that store. But in its place a Sav-a-lot opened! WOO! I love cheap. I went yesterday, I got so much stuff for only $50. Oh yeah, cheap is good. I'll be sending Jon vienna sausages from there, among other things. Those things are gross, but whatever. At least I don't have to watch him eat the damn things.

Okay, I have to run. Today is a very random day. For more than one person!! *****applauds***** you made it through!!

randomness, lane, kaskae, riley, jon

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