Thinking back, I believe 2007 sucked less than 2006. It's a start. Replaying it in detail would probably just raise my blood pressure, so I'll leave it at that.
I don't do resolutions; that's a word that's become too strongly linked with failure in our culture. But I do have some things I'd like have happen in the coming year, and it seems sensible to set them down here in goal form.
In 2008, I shall endeavor to:
- not seriously injure myself. Really, if this is the only goal I achieve, I'm calling it a net win.
- not have anyone close to me die.
- acquire some new clients. This work-from-home self-employment thing suits me better than any other form of employment I've ever tried; it's time I buckled down and did what's necessary to make it financially sustainable.
- keep up with the exercise. The current target is 1.5-2 hours of exercise three times a week; I make that as often as not, and when I miss I still usually manage twice a week. That's working well, so I'll keep on with more of the same.
- take up some kind of regular martial arts practice. Self-directed would do if I was consistent about it, but I'd prefer a class. The Y has some martial arts options, which should be free or cheap; that seems like a good place to start.
- write more, and more often.
- make progress on getting the house fixed up to saleability. That's a more than year-long uber-project, so I won't say get it all done. I would like to see the driveway/curb appeal area(s) taken care of by this time next year, and my bathroom returned to full usability and acceptable appearance.
- start less, finish more. Projects, stories, hobbies, you name it.
There are plenty of other things that I should or would like to do, but I'm quite capable of listing tasks until no amount of accomplishment will cross enough things off to feel like anything actually got done, so I'll stop here. It feels like a good list, ambitious but achievable.