Jun 24, 2009 12:08
Woke up with a splitting headache yesterday, the kind that makes both getting to the ibuprofen and keeping it down a challenge. Not sure if I should blame Monday's workout (for knotting up the neck muscles) or the fact that I sat on the chaise portion of couch for a couple of hours, which just wrecks my back. Whichever, I wasn't good for much through the first half of the day.
I did manage to get some more laundry done, yay! And in a fit of can't-stand-it-anymore, I went out in the evening and trimmed the bushes by the LR side windows. For "trimmed", read "cut down by 2/3"; they are now roughly level with the bottoms of the windows. It's kind of a crappy trim job, but it's hard to do otherwise when taking off that much. And now we can see out the windows, and the house feels less like it's being eaten by jungle!
LittleGuy seemed quite interested in this new change to his environment. I may have to take him out for a stroll today; vet restrictions or not, it seems really unfair to keep making all these changes and not let him investigate.
Today, feeling knocked flat by the weather, and totally unambitious. Probably will not start the deck demo, unfortunately.