Just two more sets of photos to pimp, but in the meantime I'm going to take advantage of the fact that I'm not in work to do a bit of an update
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WIDATW posts have been suspended recently, partly because writing "Sat on a plane" or "Skiied a small mountain" doesn't take a massive amount of space and is probably even less interesting than my normal entry. However last night I was actually "out of the house" and "at a club" which is quite a novelty feeling
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I'm going out. I may be sometime. In the meantime, there will be regular updates on my photoblog. There might even be a bit of stuff new to LJ over the next couple of weeks.
Of course it's actually many weeks since Christmas but now I've fought my way through the work-slog, the London-slog and the alcohol induced haze from last night I need to take advantage of my last day of work and the associated very little to do to crack on with my rather long list of personal activities
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But actually it looks prettier on the trees. It's been a funny week - the closer I get to having to get up in the morning to commute to a place of work other than my spare room the more I seem to need to sleep. This is not a good thing
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Parts of last weekend were like going back in time - going back home always makes me feel about 16-17 rather than my slightly more advanced years and cycling past places where I learned a lot about people and LRP is bound to bring back memories
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This could be a long entry - I'm going to try and write it as I go along, then populate with photographs and post when I get back. I'll attempt not to log in, or even discover if I have a signal. This could be a long week
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