First Ring | Video/Action for Cherrygrovers

Sep 07, 2010 18:22

[As the video feed starts, there's nothing but white - at least, visually. Perhaps this is some new form of audio? Because as far as sounds go, there's some panting mixed with out of breath chuckles and laughs, and then finally a voice.]

... Awesome! What a workout! I guess this body is good for something after all. I'll have to see what else it can do after I recharge. Whew! You okay, Calibird? Tail?

[In response to the question, there's a squawk of some kind that sounds almost... indignant? It seems like the speaking voice takes it as being that, in any case, because they respond like it was - and along with that voice, there are some happy "Sentret!"s mixed in as well.]

Aw, come on, you're no fun. At least Tail gets it.

[After a cheerful "Tret!", apparently deciding that the conversation is over, the first voice sighs and then, suddenly the image of white is replace of one of the world! A spinning world, mind you, and those who are prone to vommiting best look away, because our protagonist has tossed the PokeGear into the air and it is now spinning-- Until it's being caught, and a somewhat sweaty, grinning face greets the viewers eagerly - behind him, there is a Skarmory who looks for all the world like it wants nothing to do with such a hooligan is shaking its head, with a small Sentry sitting on its shoulder.]

So it's on after all! [he shoots a quick glance at the Skarmory behind him before, grin quickly returning, he turns back to the camera and nods towards it - presumably towards those who have been watching.]

Okay guys, I know most of you are probably out here asking about where to go and all of that, but don't worry about this hedgehog, this happens to me all the time. I'll figure that out on my own! Nope, there's only one thing I need to know...

[as he trails off, his expression sobers - just a little bit. barely noticable, really, but it's enough, because when he continues, most will probably wonder what is wrong with him. That is, if those fourth walling types amongst the viewers haven't already caught on to this person's true identity.]

Where can a guy get a decent chilli dog around here?

action, video, cherrygrove city

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