OOC: Permissions/Info Meme

Sep 03, 2010 18:19

CHARACTER NAME: Sonic the Hedgehog
CHARACTER SERIES: Sonic the Hedgehog


Backtagging: One of my secret specialties! Feel free!
Threadhopping: Always welcome!
Fourthwalling: I'll say no to outright telling him to his face he's fictional - if you want to have your character hint at it and maybe act like they know things they shouldn't, and of course recognize him at first (he's saved the world more than enough times for that to not be an issue with him), though, by all means.
Offensive subjects: If anything's so offensive an issue with me, I'll bring it up. Offensive to Sonic though, if it's IC, it's IC, go for it.


Hugging this character: Be warned, depending on what prompted this hug (being Amy, for instance), he might bolt.
Kissing this character: HE WILL BOLT.
Flirting with this character: Depends on the kind of flirting. Open I LOVE YOU LET'S GET MARRIED flirting? He'll bolt. Go up a notch like Rouge's stuff, though, he'll just shrug it off.
Fighting with this character: If something's heading that way, something's heading that way and I'm always willing to roll with things that develop - but ask if you want to start something.
Injuring this character: Out of the blue stuff, if it's a punch or something, expect retaliation. Pokemon attacks out of nowhere are a no unless we've agreed to it or you're okay with him using the remnants of his ~super speed~ to dodge.
Killing this character: BEEN THERE DONE THAT NO THANK YOU.
Using telepathy/mind reading abilities on this character: Not relevant to this game!

Warnings: Not used to being human! But he'll get there. Honestly prefers the Werehog over it though. Sorry Professor Pickle.

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