Jun 17, 2008 16:34
Yes, I'm a sheep and I DL'ed Firefox 3. Thing does seem to run faster. Whee!
I fired up the DS and read Vinge's Rainbows End. Still trying to figure out what happened in the plot, but overall, I enjoyed it. It was a lot more accessible than I thought it would be.
The other day I read Melissa Marr's Ink Exchange. I liked the characters in this one better than the ones from her first book; the MC's an ordinary damaged girl, someone I could relate to better than someone with special gifts, I guess.
I need to type up the poem I wrote last week. Yeah, I finally wrote one for the first time in a few. It's not that I mean to become inarticulate, but I just forget I have those verbal muscles. If that makes any sense. I spend more time with other writing tools, so it surprises me that I can transition back to poems.
!I need Firefox for the brain.
book reviews