May 01, 2009 11:37

So, by now, many of you have probably already seen that kyellgold is editing an anthology for Sofawolf Press called X.

The basic premise behind it is that we've got ten authors and ten stories, one for each of the Ten Commandments. Um, erotic stories based on each of the Ten Commandments, I should point out. It's sacrelicious on so many different levels, and I'd be lying if I tried to claim that I didn't immediately find the very concept too awesome to pass up.

As far as anthology projects go, this one was really fun, because it was the first time I've ever been involved in a publication where the authors themselves were all working in a little cadre together, making sure that we were all on the same page, seeing how we were all handling our respective premises and offering help where we could. There's a lot of awesome talent contributing to this little book, both writers and artists, and I think that the end result is something that the fans will really like.

For those curious, the commandment I ended up choosing was "Thou Shalt Not Bear False Witness Against Thy Neighbor" (and yes, some of my fellow authors teasingly prefaced the selection process with, "Hirosaki gets dibs on 'Thou Shalt Not Kill'"). I'm actually quite happy with the story I put together for this, and I'm really looking forward to seeing it in print!

Oh, and on a final (but by no means insignificant) note, the artwork for my story was done by the amazing oCeLoT, and having seen what she drew for it, I am filled with pure writerly, ottery glee.

The anthology itself is slated for release at Anthrocon, and will probably be available for purchase online not long afterwards.

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