FANG Volume 1G

Aug 17, 2005 10:10

So, the release date of the first volume of FANG is coming up on us. I mentioned this in my journal a few months back, asking that folks consider contributing, and I was very happy to see such a big turnout, which in turn led to a lot of stories being selected for publication.

Put simply, for all of you readers out there who like my stuff, I'd really, really like you to consider purchasing a copy of FANG 1G when it's released. This has nothing to do with me, first of all: I don't get any kickbacks or anything, regardless of whether the book sells a dozen or a thousand copies. My interest lies in seeing this publication do well for the sake of furry writing itself, and I think that the people who read my journal, here, should hold that same interest in heart.

As most of you probably realize, furry writing doesn't quite have the same sense of legitimacy when compared with either furry artwork or with non-furry writing. Granted, this is always going to be a niche, the stuff that my colleagues and I write, but that's no reason for it to go neglected. More than once, I've seen fans of furry writing praising stories that are well-written, and in the same breath, always tacking on a statement along the lines of, "I wish more people wrote stories like this."

I've read a number of the stories that have been chosen for FANG 1G, and I have to say that Osfer did a great job in picking material that I think that fans will enjoy. These are stories that are some of my own personal favorites, written by some my favorite furry writers, and if you're not familiar with their stuff, there's not a single writer on the list that I wouldn't recommend.

If you can afford it, I would ask that you fans out there purchase a copy of FANG. Publications like this are what drive people like me to write what we do. It's not about money or anything like that (I do have a real job which pays more in a single hour than I'll be making on anything FANG-related). If publications like this one succeed, it's going to spurn us writerly folk to write more stories, to write better stories, and to put more effort into being creative and original, since at that point, we'll know that people are out there who actually do care about what we write!

It almost sounds too simple to be worth pointing out, but it's the readers who we all write for. If I thought that I was writing into an empty void, I might still decide to write stories, but if I didn't think anyone was reading them, I probably wouldn't be writing at my best. Since keeping this journal, even, I've felt more of an urge to strive to keep my stories interesting and compelling, and those of you out there who take the time to comment and email me know that I take your guys' feedback very seriously. The success of something like FANG would be a boon to all of the writers who contributed to it, and I'm sure it would spark a lot of interest on the part of other writers out there, as well. Folks who had never heard of it would start considering writing for it, and other writers who maybe took a pass the first time around might change their minds for Volume 2, say.

So, that's my case. I'm not going to beg or plead. I think that what I've said kind of speaks for itself. I'd be interested in hearing what you all out there think.


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