Oh The Risk Of It All

Mar 26, 2006 04:03

For some reason, i had been lacking sleep this week. I think it wasnt so much the lack of sleep, except for maybe weds, as the long days this week. I didnt get up till about 1 on friday. Such a waste of a morning. Got some of the info for my thesis that i needed so i typed up a few pages on it. Was supposed to hand it in yesterday but didnt. Goin to hand up a "draft" of it and the finished article on friday week before easter. When hopefully all my projects will be handed up. Went into town to meet dave n alice and andy. The plan was to go to the cinema but i knew as soon as we'd decided to go for a scoop aforehand that it was swiftly out the fuinneog. So we had a few scoops, then decided to head back to dave's for a game of risk and alice decided to head home. Got some grub in eddie rockets, atomic burger n bacon n cheese fries. mmmmmmmmm. So i think we started playin risk at about half ten and didnt finish till like 6am this mornin. 3 games in like almost 8 hours! Then crashed, woke up got some biomatter into me and we sat down for ANOTHER game. This one lasted about 7 hours till i had to head home tho. And we only had 2 games in that time aswell!

Other than that im sorta trying to fight off a load of lack of interestitis that is currently overcoming me. Im too sensible for my own good sometimes. And at the same time too stupid. Things happen that make you see things in a different light and it is difficult to sympathetically manage the thoughts in my own head sometimes. I cant say ive ever figured out how to do it but ive found that as ive got older ive had to live with my decisions more and more. Ive never been one too look back with regret. I can generally take the positives out of almost any situation but i would like to be able to make a few decisions for myself at some point in the near future. I dont think of that as being selfish. I have always looked out for those i know. Given them advice and pointed things out to them even when its not apparent to them that it is the right thing to do. I may seem a bit cold or obtuse when giving advise but i do live with my own thoughts and i do most of the time, know what people are going through in one way or another, as i have gotten myself into a lot of shit down the years.

"Experience is what you get when you dont get what you want."

Otto Von Bismarck.
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