Dec 02, 2009 20:44
I am working right now. Wait. Let me clarify. I am sitting on a nice cushy couch, watching satellite TV on an unnecessarily large flat screen while the kids are asleep upstairs. Not a bad gig, I have to say. Although it would be nice if they offered me benefits and a 401k and all that grown up stuff Em is talking about. But I think I might have to get a real job for that.
Anyway...I have to go to the DMV on Friday. I need to get an Illinois drivers license and license plates before my Wisconsin ones expire. I was actually supposed to do that within 60 days of living in Illinois. Oops. I'm a little intimidated though. The only DMV I have ever been to was in Elkhorn, and that was confusing enough. And I'll probably have to wait in line for like an hour. Bleh.
Next week is my last week of classes. I am pretty excited for the break, despite the fact that only being part time this semester has really reduced the amount of stress I feel about classes. I only have one take home final and a final paper to finish by the 11th, so I am pretty golden right now.
This weekend I have to drive to a little town about 4 hours away to work on this project that I am doing with the National Guard. Its a really exciting project and I really like doing in, despite the fact that I never imagined myself working with the armed forces ever. When soldiers come back from war they have 30 days to go to a reintegration program. While they are doing this program, me and other students and supervisors from my school do drama therapy, art therapy and music therapy with their kids. Its a lot of fun and I'm really hoping that this program will succeed so that I can keep doing it next semester!
Well, I better go do some dishes or something.