Cubs' Offseason

Dec 07, 2007 03:30

So, Winter Meetings have come to a close, and it occurs to me that I haven't blogged at all about the Cubs' offseason moves. Honestly, part of it is because I don't think I can honestly evaluate their offseason until we get closer to Spring Training; it's still way early to do anything but keep track of trade rumors. Overall, I think they're going in a decent direction.

One thing I question is whether they actually need an upgrade at second base. Apparently they were a serious factor in the Kaz Matsui sweepstakes, which I was content to see them lose. Now they're talking pretty seriously about chasing Baltimore's Brian Roberts. Honestly? I think it's an upgrade, I just question whether it's a necessary or cost-effective upgrade.

Speaking of cost, a lot of people are concerned about moves they've seen as salary dumps (Floyd, Monroe, Jones). The thing is, General Manager Jim Hendry has been quoted several times that he's been authorized to expand the payroll. Salary dumping plus expanding payroll adds up to one thing: a big splash. And I think I know what that big splash is, and it will make Jim Hendry look like a genius if he pulls it off: Kosuke Fukudome.

First of all, that's just an awesome name. Second of all, what no one seems to realize is that Japanese fielders are thriving in the MLB while Japanese pitchers are not. And yet professional Japanese pitchers are getting the mega bucks (Matsusaka, Igawa, now Kuroda is being looked at pretty seriously).

Every scouting report I've seen says Fukudome is not only the real deal, he's one of the best all-around left-handed hitters out there. The Cubs seem to be doing all the right things to put him in the Wrigley Field outfield, and I think this would be a tremendously good move for the Chicago Cubs.

I'm sure they'll make other moves, but just for the sake of argument that would give you an outfield of Soriano in Left, a youth movement of Pie, Pagan, Fuld, or some combination thereof in Center, and Fukudome in Right. This would be easily one of the better defensive outfields in the league, and you'd be getting nothing short of great offense from the two corner spots. They might look for an upgrade in Center (or Right... the nice thing about Fukudome is he can play all three outfield spots), but this would be more than adequate the way it is. Soriano and Fukudome are both givens. Pie has been the Cubs' top prospect for what feels like forever, Pagan has been simply brilliant when he's been given playing time, and don't forget that "out of nowhere" prospect Sam Fuld tore up the minor leagues and was the MVP of the Arizona Fall League. And you've always got supersub Daryle Ward.

So what was at times a shaky starting outfield suddenly becomes one of your biggest strengths. Then you're looking at the still strong infield combination of Lee, DeRosa/Fontenot, Theriot, and Ramirez. That infield gave us pretty good production last year. Just for the sake of argument, say they make the Roberts trade. I'm assuming you're giving up some combination of DeRosa and/or Fontenot, maybe even Theriot in which case you go out and make another move to bring in another shortstop (Please dear God don't even think about starting Cedeno..). Honestly, it's somewhat understandable that they want to make a move at middle infield, but they need to be careful not to completely sacrifice too much depth in the process.

Pending any other movies, rookie sensation Geovany Soto looks to get the lion's share of the playing time at Catcher with Henry Blanco providing the veteran presence. Hopefully he'll be providing that presence from the dugout more often than not, because I want to see the kid play.

So, assuming they manage to land Fukudome, other than non-hole holes at middle infield and one outfield spot, what are we concerned about? What else? PITCHING. I'm very dubious about the decision to move Dempster to the rotation. Yes yes, by all means, move him out of the closer spot... but Zambrano/Lilly/Hill/Dempster/Marquis for your starting rotation? Can we go out on a limb and say that isn't exactly lighting anyone's world on fire? If Dempster or Marquis falter (at least one of them is bound to), we can always go to another option like Marshall (come to think of it, why isn't Marshall in the projected rotation over Dempster or Marquis?), Guzman, Gallagher, Hart, Petrick... at least we have plenty of arms for the bullpen. And maybemaybemaybe Prior will be healthy at some point... let's not forget the kid was making us ignore some guy named Johan Santana before he got hurt. I don't want to wager on anything, but he is coming off what might have been overdue arm surgery. Who knows? (Yes, yes, I'm insane... but I'm a freaking Cubs fan, what do you expect?).

Speaking of bullpen, Wood, Howry, or Marmol? Honestly, it's pretty clearly one of the latter two, but Kerry Wood at Closer would make many Cubs fans' dreams come true, and might be the best feel good story the team could see.

That's all I have for now. Word is the Cubs have the best offer on the table for Fukudome by a pretty wide margin, so we could legitimately see a Cubs team populated by no less than five "superstar" caliber players (Soriano, Lee, Zambrano, Fukudome, Ramirez). I'm keeping my fingers crossed.
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