(no subject)

Dec 06, 2007 17:30

1) "Coincidences." ESPN is reporting that Jose Guillen of the Kansas City Royals and Jay Gibbons of the Baltimore Orioles have been suspended for 15 days for purchasing banned substances (HGH). And Gary Matthews Jr. (Angels), Rick Ankiel (Cardinals), Scott Schoeneweis (Mets), and Troy Glaus (Blue Jays) have not. Their "rationale" for the four they didn't suspend is that there wasn't enough evidence... which is hilarious, because from all the media reports I've seen, there was exactly the same amount of evidence. I can't help but notice the "coincidence" that the two who were suspended definitely play for smaller market teams. Also "coincidental" is their status in the league -- Jose Guillen (unpopular with media and fans), Jay Gibbons (who?) vs. Gary Matthews Jr. (superstar), Rick Ankiel (loved by media and fans, they barely even dared to report that he had beeb linked to HGH), Scott Schoeneweis (meh... but he plays for a big market team), and Troy Glaus (superstar). Hmmm. Yes. Very interesting "coincidences."

2) Blockbusters. Andruw Jones is now the fifth highest paid player in baseball, and no one will shut up about it. Yes, yes, yes, his offense is in the toilet. But I'm tired of hearing that his defense is "declining." He had 200 effing putouts! There are first basemen that don't have 200 total chances!

Meanwhile, remember how the Marlins aren't trading Cabrera or Willis? Yeah... um... turns out, both. To the same team. DANG the Tigers want to compete with the Yankees and Red Sox (please God let them). I'm not sure what's scarier: Verlander/Willis/Bonderman/Rogers/Robertson, or Granderson/Guillen/Ordonez/Cabrera/Sheffield/Rodriguez/WHO CARES/WHO CARES/WHO CARES.

And, finally, we come to the best deal that didn't happen: the Johan Santana trade rumors have died fast and quiet. This means he will in all likelihood not wear Yankee pinstripes or Red Sox... um... arrogance. On behalf of all baseball fans outside of New England and New York: THANK GOD. Because either team would have immediately won the World Series with that trade.

3) "Perfection." The Patriots saw their perfect season end not once, not twice, not three times, but FOUR TIMES last Monday night, only to get second chances and eventually win the game. Freaking Ravens. Everyone seems to think the Steelers have a better chance because they have a better defense (statistically)... they don't. The reason the Eagles and Ravens both had a shot was physically aggressive cornerbacks... which is one of the few things the Steelers don't have on defense. I'm not saying they don't have a chance, but I think the Patriots are on their way to *16. (Yes, I'm asterixing. You don't get caught cheating and not get an asterix, sorry.).

4) Bear down, Chicago-- you know what, never mind. The Chicago Bears outplayed the New York Giants. By every statistical evaluation, they blew them out of that game. This would have been huge, because that would've given us an inside road to their Wild Card playoff spot. Instead, we pretty much handed it to them on a silver platter. How very obliging of us. Not that I think we would have done well in the playoffs, but it would have been nice to at least get there seeing as we were, you know, in the Super Bowl and all last year. No biggie, though.
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