Awww! Jack and Daniel reunited! Those boys are just so doing it. They're going to go have some food, and then have each other for dessert, as suggested by
kwaldo12, with whom I spent most of SciFi Friday lineup trading squeeful AIM messages. Then Atlantis came on, and my brain just leapt into the gutter without a prompt. Rodney's upgraded to Manly Dark Shirt, which showcases his shoulders and makes Shep want to rip it off and have Teh Hawt Gay Sex. After Shep says to Rodney "Bring your sunsceen, be ready in ten minutes..." I decide that I can die happily, since as we know from last eppy, sunscreen's a euphemism. I need to make a sound montage of all the dirty-sounding lines from SGA, such as Sheppard "assuming the position". Caldwell behaves like an asshole (a mostly correct asshole, but nonetheless) and horribly insults Shep. I'm looking at Shep's twitching jaw muscle and drooling. Rodney makes his own suncreen, apparently. Wonder why he makes it. Do he and Shep sunbathe in the nude a lot?
kwaldo12 suggests that he might be skinny dipping off Atlantis with the boys.
More stuff happens, and my mood spoils a bit, because I feel like everyone's going to bitch about wimpy Rodney, and it's one thing that's making me want to quit the SGA fandom now. I usually am a horrible critic. Unless my fave characters are fucked over horribly, I don't care. I don't care about the botched salute. John was tired off his ass, and almost blew himself up. It's a wonder his hand ould still rise. Rodney's a whiney bastard lately. Well, John almost died, Ford's a psycho, Rodney's seen countless people die, and that won't pass without some change in behavior, such as fear of death. I have a death phobia myself, and I can say it can be quite debilitating at times when you just hear about death and start imagining yourself dying and not existing. I agree with the nitpicking, but it's just sucking the joy out of the fandom for me right now, so I'll have to not read any SGA related posts unless they're fic, because I don't need this right now. And was Teyla pinching John's ass there in the cave, or what?
Nutty!Ford was creepy yet cute at times. Poor woobie! And gotta love Colonel "Nice Guy" Sheppard. And did Major Lorne call Rodney "M-Kay"? I was like "Why's he calling me?" since MK is my nickname. And bickering Rodney and Ford. And poor woobies, when Ford bitches at Rodney for making fun at him, and poor woobie Rodney tells Ford to shoot him, and he does, and is all "oops" when Rodney yells at him. And woobie Carson - "Pull off your shirt and say aaah!", and his big, long gun... heh-heh. And Rodders, finally shooting someone.. "Oh boy!" And screaming like a little girl. I think the poor woobie has finally cracked. There must be helium in the atmo, or something, since Rodney's voice gets exponentially higher, and even John squeaks... "You can't kill an unarmed upside-down man!" And grr, assholish Caldwell again. And gotta love the dual "I shot him!" Poor woobies, all around...
And in other, less spoilery news, I'm leaving for my vacation next Friday, and will be back on August 25th. I'll be somewhere over Greenland when they'll show the next eppy... *sigh* I won't be updating as much, since I don't have Internet connection at our place in Croatia, but I live like half a minute from an Internet cafe, so I'll be popping in quite often. I hope to get some more fic written, or some new vids made, but that depends on how much fighting I'll be doing with my family or if I meet a hot Croatian guy. Wish me luck!