The French Elect a Socialist; Should Be Interesting

May 06, 2012 15:17

So Socialist candidate François Hollande beat the incumbent President Nicolas Sarkozy in the French elections. And from what I've read he's not big on that whole "austerity" thing that's been so popular and such a failure. It'll be interesting to see what happens; granted he has to deal with both a Parliament (with a Prime Minister) and the European Union but maybe he'll actually be able to put forth policies that work for real recovery rather than making bankers and people who hate government happy.

Of course this is good for the Republicans in the US I suppose; as they like to call Obama and the Democrats Socialists if they aren't busy calling them Communists they'll point at France if anything at all goes wrong. I'm having to agree still with the ideas noted here than Obama stands to win unless GOP voter suppression efforts are very successful.


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