Fic: Thief - 1/1

Feb 18, 2010 10:34

Title: Thief
Fandom: Leverage
Author: klutzy_girl
Rating: PG
Word Count: 100
Disclaimer: I don't own Leverage and never will. No copyright infringement intended.
Characters/Pairings: Nate, references to Nate/Sophie
Spoilers: For the season two finale, The Maltese Falcon Job.
Author's Note: The finale was awesome. I had to write something for it.
Summary: His name is Nate Ford, and he is a thief.

Nathan Ford never expected things would turn out his way. He didn’t think he’d become this close to a group of thieves. Somewhere along the way, he, Sophie, Elliot, Hardison, and Parker became a family.

Nate will gladly take the fall for his family. They’ve been there for him for the past two years, after all. He loves them all. He knows Sophie will take care of them. That’s one of the main reasons he fell in love with her.

He loves working these jobs with his family. It’s fun.

His name is Nate Ford, and he is a thief.

tv: leverage, fandom: fanfic, fic: one-shot/drabble

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