death by midterm

Apr 07, 2006 00:17

For future reference: if I ever refer to myself as intelligent, smart, clever, etc. again, slap me. And then remind me of this moment. I'm seriously considering going mad. It seems like the best way to ensure my sanity. Although it wouldn't do much for my grades, so I'm holding off on becoming a crazie until after this semester is over.

Not that summer is really summer when you're taking summer classes (bah.) and working full time (humbug.), but it should still be more enjoyable than feeling like an idiot all the time. My overly-large ego is showing signs of deterioration. Congradulations professor Sounds-just-like-Jimmy-Stewart. You have deflated my ego. Look at it, lying limp and pitiful over there in the corner, shot down by your un-erring barbs of slip systems, lattices, euctectic/eutectoid/peritectic/peritectoid/isomorphus phase diagrams, and austenite-pearlite-martensite-bainite-ferrite-ite-ite-ite-ite steels.

The good news is, if I do wind up taking the course again to get a better grade, class will be held occasionally on a boat on Lake Minnetonka. Yeah. It relates to the topic. Water is isomorphus. Sort of. I mean, it really only has two states that we're concerned with- solid and liquid. There's none of this dilly-dallying in between different temps.

Ford, you're turning into a penguin. Stop it.
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