Nov 29, 2012 00:19
Sooo I had an utterly shitty day to-day, was sick all day, and basically just stayed in bed.... and then hopped online to check my messages.
And then I found out that a friend of mine, that I've known since elementary school, since she was in Kindergarten ~ she passed away earlier to-day. :: cries ::
She was sick her whole life.. spent her whole life in a wheelchair... her whole life was marked by suffering and yet she did so much in what little time she had here on Earth.... and had open-heart surgery earlier this week. And then there were complications, and she passed away to-day.
So. I say. WHAT THE FUCK, UNIVERSE. What the actual fuck.
This marks 7 friends & family & loved ones of mine who have passed away in the past 12 years.
(NOT including my pets, who were also dear to me and I considered family... if I include THEM, the total goes up to 12.. just in the last 12 years....)
~ May you rest in peace, my dear ones. ~
Now.. excuse me while I go cry....... :`(