May 22, 2005 11:50
Hello, it's been a while since my last update. I'm too lazy to write about my life right now. Just for shits and giggles, I'm going to write an analysis for every person I tlak ot or hang around with. Mad props to Kaylee for giving me the idea. Anyway, people will simply be given numbers, and the written about. Those who think they know me are welcome to guess their number, but it won't be so easy.
Person #1 - An interesting person. Hangs out with the stoner crowd but never touches pot. Displays a far greater intelligence than most others in his/her social circle, and because of that, is lonely. His/her kindred spirit departed some time ago, leaving him/her lost and confused. I hope this one bounces back. He/she is a dear friend of mine, very close at times to being part of my close inner circle.
Person #2 - A creative individual. A jack of all trades, master of none, like myself. However, his/her spectrum of skills is far more spread out than mine, giving him/her a greater range of talents, but also less ability than me in the talents we share. I often see him/her struggling to figure out his/herself in relation to how he/she should be around other. This person was once very social and very friendly, but now has a small inner circle and few good friends. He/she often reports feeling lonely and unfulfilled. I have a feeling this person was once a master of hiding him/herself to make friends and blend into social circles, but got fed up with doing that. This person now lives life in the opposite extreme: holding nothing of himself back, ever. He/she feels despair when seeing how this new approach has left him/her.
Person #3 - An aggrivating individual, and one I could write volumes of observations on. He/she displays great intelligence and great creativity, and when he/she is on good terms with me, is one of the most fun in my life for me to spend time with. However, this person, like many creative individuals, is extremely over-emotional. He/she has had a bad background and because of which is dependant on the opposite sex for emotional survival. In his/her desperation for romantic companionship he/she forms extremely strong bonds of infatuation and co-dependence on members of the opposite sex (sometimes more than one at a time) and breaths every ounce of energy into that relationship. Since these relationship are commonly highly disfunctional, they create large amounts of emotional turmoil in this person's life. By doing this, this person creates a self-imposed hell of confusion and depression. He/she often seeks guidance but then retreats into denial when the advice given is too painful to accept. His/her emotional pulls are so strong that they completely overwhelmed any common sense logic this person may have, and even when this person's logical thinking capability breaks through and causes him/her to see an insight of value, he/she lacks the emotional strength to act on that insight.
Person #4 - Very similiar in background and personality to #3, but there are a number of differences. This person's logical thinking skills are practically non-existent in relationship to her social situation. He/she exibits attachment problems so severe that he/she pulls away from everyone who offeres her friendships and allows his/herself openness to only one person in her life. This person is often abusive and unkind to her, and sends her on a roller-coaster of good and bad emotions. Like person #3, he/she has horrendous problems with denial and co-dependance, and will not take steps to improve his or her own situation even when the folly of his or her own actions is realized. Also, whereas person #3 exibits what many would call extremely loose morality, #4 is sheltered and reigious, extremely conservative in his/her opinions and ideology, almost the opposite extreme as #3. However, like #3, is a ver unreliable friend since the self-created drama in his/her life overrides any sense of loyalty to other people.
...And wit that, I am now bored, I will write a part 2 in the near future.